Saturday, August 25, 2007

Pics of the kids being silly...

Here's a classic toothless picture of Brandon... he just lost his front tooth the other day! The other pictures are of the kids being silly and of Brooke playing dress-up with glasses that are meant for, I think, Mr. Potato Head.


Michelle said...

That's funny Steph, we're on here at the same time and I'm trying to find picturesof the kids to post too...You have to get access to a computer at home. I love to read your posts!

Stephanie said...

That's funny! I saw that I accidentally posted the same thing twice, oh well. :)

Tamara said...

I love the picture of the girls sitting on the fireplace. So dang cute! Now get your selves back to Dallas. I'm having toddler withdrawals!

Dale said...

Can you tell which ones take after me? (If you're having any trouble, see the ones where they look angelic. Nuff said.)