Monday, August 13, 2007

Story Time

Since the beginning of summer I've either had mom waiting by the mailbox or I myself have been waiting by the mailbox for a little letter from BYU telling me they want to pay my tuition next year. So last week rolls around and it had been months by that point that I had gone without hearing anything. I still wasn't entirely discouraged though because I was told I would recieve a letter no matter what, whether I got one or not, so not recieving a letter didn't mean anything really. I did, however, log onto BYU's website where i found a bill for my tuition and a portion on that bill stating I had been awarded no scholarships for 2007-2008. Of coarse I was disappointed but being the rock of faith I am, I immidiately told myself that things would all work out because Heavenly Father knew how hard I worked and how much mom and dad deserved a little help. Yup that's how it went folks, I don't care what you heard about me spending the first hour crying my eyes out as mom and dad tried to offer words of comfort, or how it wasn't until I slept 12 hours that I decided life was still worth living and that everything would work out. So anyway, I called the scholarship office to find out why I hadn't recieved a letter telling me this and it turned out they had my address in Provo because I had forgotten to change it. She made me an appointment with the counselor to make that change because she herself was not able to. So as I was talking to the counselor today and I decided for some reason to confirm with her that I had not recieved one. Why? I have no clue. As if it wasn't bad enough reading that I didn't recieve a scholarship, now I was going to subject myself to hearing it!?! She gets back on the phone after checking and says, "it says here full tuition". My heart sank and I confirmed, "Meaning I have to pay full tuition?" and she kind of laughs and says, "No, meaning the school will be paying your full tuition." After giving a strange combination of a sigh, a giggle, and a scream the lady asks, "It's a good feeling isn't it?" And let me tell you, good doesn't begin to describe this feeling!


Stephanie said...

Wow! That's crazy!!! (In a good way.) Isn't it funny how those kinds of things happen? Seems like lots of good things are happening for all us Lisonbee's lately between Lisa & Matt's little one still stayin' put, Katie & Justin FINALLY having a boy, Brandon not having a heart condition, your cool experience with the tuition and Tammy & Adam expecting... someone must be doing something right! Pretty cool... thanks for sharing!

Stephanie said...

About Tammy & Adam - JUST KIDDING!!!! Sorry Tammy... I just HAD to do it! hehe

The Queen said...

Sweet!!! Congrats Court!! And lol Stephanie!

Tamara said...

That's awesome, Coach! A feeling I'll never had b/c I was never smart enough to get a scholarship but a killer accomplishment for you! Right on.

Oh, and p.s. Steph doesn't know it but she wasn't kidding.

Stephanie said...

oh ok... so it IS ok to say something? Actually, Tammy, I did know (found out from Adam - well, I found out through Dale who found out through Adam) and I accidentally wrote it in the blog and sent it off before I realized what I wrote. Therefore, the "Just Kidding" part followed immediately after. I'm so excited for you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stephanie said...
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Michelle said...

Yeah for you Coach. I knew you could do it! You rock!

Tamara said...

Steph, do you know where liars go?

And is anyone else annoyed that Coach is both brilliant and beautiful? Could you have saved any for the rest of us, Coach?

Stephanie said...

I know... I'm bad. Bad bad bad! lol Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. :)

Anyhoo... yes, Courtney is brilliant and beautiful. Seems like it runs in the Lisonbee genes. ALL the women in your family are brilliant and beautiful! That's not normal! :)

j-liz said...

Seriously Lady-Coach, Great Work! All of the help that I got for school came from being ghetto poor. But I guess I "earned" that right?

Congrats, it is well deserved.

Adam said...

One day I'll grow up and be as smart as you, Courtney! That's one amazing achievement. Continued success!

Courtney said...

Thanks for all the love guys, it means a lot. I hope you all still love me come next year when I'm on academic probation for sucking at life and more specifically school. Cerro Coso Community College was one thing, but BYU...that's a whole different story!