Sunday, August 17, 2008

Did she just say that?

Of course I'm talking about my little fireball Malia. (After church, she was playing nursery leader and I was the kid). First, she helped me say a blessing on the treat. I dutifully repeated everything she said (even though it had nothing to do with blessing treats or even nursery, for that matter). Then, she decided to get out all kinds of pots and pans and put them on the couch so she could make me my nusery treat. She was very involved in stirring and putting in various dolls, cars, etc. to eat. Lunch was almost ready so Rick told her to put the pots and pans away. After some discussion, she said, "you're a jerk daddy." (I was in the kitchen with my back turned, but I started laughing...she gets that word "jerk" pronounced "jork" from her brother Jake.) Then after some more discussion, she said to Rick. "Stop acting like a baby daddy. I hate you." Wow. That is just beautiful. I can't wait to see what phrases she learns next...


Katie L. said...

Wow, I love that kid. Was there ever one with more personality? I don't think so.

j-liz said...

Priceless. The other day I finished putting the girls to bed and I was sure that they were going to get into trouble so I stood outside the door for a minute to listen.
Ashley: Camille, do you like going to bed?
Camille: No, I am not tired yet.
Ashley: Me either, and Dad just ruined my life!
There you have it folks. She is so young but too bad, her life is ruined thanks to me. I guess I am the "jork" now.

Rickterscale said...

Mind you, Michelle gives you a taste of Malia's 10 minute rant, in which she told me many many times that I'm a big jerk, she hates me, etc. Sometimes when that much venom is being spewed at you, you just have to laugh.

award said...

OK... just to clarify, she did NOT learn those phrases from her nursery leader. Let's just make that perfectly clear. I love Malia... maybe she could call me a jerk, too! (Perhaps it's a term of endearment for her??)

Unknown said...

Its about time I got a good laugh from this blog. It feels like it has been pretty dead lately. Nice to see people posting some good stories again.

OlsenFam said...

That's awesome. I probably wouldn't have been able to stop laughing.
If you guys are down for the baby blessing in Sept, you have to come by and see the new house..we move in 9/6.