Saturday, December 29, 2007

Happy Birthdee Curtains Mommies!!!

So, to the youngest (and let's be honest folks, probably the cutest) of our bunch, let's wish the Coach a hap diddley appy birdthdee.

Here's what i miss about the coach. she would come by my carrell at law school with no other reason than to say whattup and if i wasn't there, she'd leave me 10 post it long notes on my desk. she loved anything in the world i cooked. She came over for a St. Patrick's Day party, brought some rocking orange cream soda (in beer bottles) and ate green rice krispy treats with me. she affirmatively bit my arm like a kitty cat during a the prayer at a fireside. she's so awesomely fun loving and hilarious. one time she and i were having a felicity sleep over and she convinced me to ditch school and order thai for lunch instead. now that's all great but she's amazingly persuasive because that was the day i had my mandatory graduation meeting which i ate my pad thai right through.

ain't no party like a coachney party. she seriously makes any room more fun, more boisterous and simultaneously, more interesting.
***This picture is of the Coach at my graduation party. i turned around to see this sight. a table of 5 guys at least 9 years older than coachney seriously enthralled by her, just hanging on her every word. i had to capture it on film.***
she's one of those girls we'd all love to hate because she's so freaking cute AND smart but you can't help but love her because she's so warm. plus, she's super talented. not just with her fashion sense (two snaps up) or amazing eye for hair color/ style, she is also gifted in listening to people, understanding people and letting them feel validated and aware without ever making them feel judged. she's a freaking hard worker as evidenced by the fact that she got a scholarship most of the rest of us couldn't have even been considered for. she's so multi dimensional. most people can be really cute or really fun or really insightful or really driven. coach manages to do all of those things and make it look easy. for me, the most gratifying thing about courtney is the older she gets, the more I see the spiritual, really rock solid aspects of her grow. for us old folks, the age gap feels like it narrows. she really is getting better every year. i just hope she'll hang out with us as she continues to get awesomer.

we love you coachney. you're the prettiest!


Michelle said...

happy birthday Coach! Hope you had fun at the Rockettes...

Stephanie said...

Happy Birthday Courtney!!!

j-liz said...

Happy Birthday Coach. Do you ever get tired of coaching bowl games on your birthday?

Katie L. said...

Court, I'm missing you because nobody holds my baby for me enough. Happy Birthday, wish we could celebrate with you!

Courtney said...

Thanks Tams, its all very untrue but I apprecaite it nonetheless.

And thanks everyone else. This birthday was probably my best yet :)