Wednesday, December 5, 2007

A little help here...

Hey folks...I am teaching R.S. on Sunday and the lesson is on sustaining our leaders. I am having such a hard time figuring out how to make it the least bit interesting. Does anyone have any examples (good or bad) about sustaining our leaders? I would really appreciate it. Seriously, I am going to bore them to death if I don't get some help here...


Courtney said...

Just mock whatever the book says in a little girl voice and then roll your eyes and turn your hand into a puppet and pretend its the one talking. Then go off on some tangent about how you don't sustain your leaders, including the Releif Society presidency, (make sure to say "no offense" because that will excuse your next remark about how their all a bunch of self-rightous farm hicks) and how you think its ironic that you have to teach this lesson. I think that should just about do it...

Mark said...

I would bring up the experience about how we have supported Karl "Mr. Exciting" Dorrell. You can show the consequences of that five years and encourage your fellow Relief Society members to make better decisions in the future.

Michelle said...

People...I mean REAL help. While your examples are excellent, and I mean high quality, I need something that could be uttered in R.S. Come on now, it's the holidays and we're all miserable. Now help a sister out...

Dale said...

Just bring a doy-lee for the table, have a bunch of books on the table, bring a snack - preferably one that takes a long time to eat, play love your neighbor for 50 minutes, have a closing prayer and then act shocked when they say the lesson wasn't on getting to know your neighbors.

Katie L. said...

How about how sustaining the prophet means following what he says. Or how sustaining the bishop means supporting the callings he makes, and not being critical if you think they are strange. Also accepting callings you hate. It could also mean going to RS activities even if they don't particularly interest you, to support the leaders and be an example to other RS sisters. Is any of this helping?

Have you tried the write a talk thing on to get some good quotes?

j-liz said...

hmmm, stumped on a Gospel lesson...helloooo, Hang Man?