Saturday, December 15, 2007

Things I've learned Since Having a Car in Provo

1. Parking is illegal, period. Which brings me to number 2...

2. The location of Provo's traffic court and traffic school and BYU's parking offices.

3. Its a good idea to have triple A when your gas gage doesn't work.

4. Scraping snow off a car without gloves is one of the most excruciating pains a person can experience.

5. It is possible for your key hole to freeze shut.

6. It is possible for your door to freeze shut.

7. It is possible for you to pry open your door, go inside for a while, and to come outside and find it frozen shut again.

Don't get me wrong, I LOOOOOVE having a car up here but 2 parking tickets, 1 traffic ticket, 1 hour of traffic school, 2 frost bitten hands and a couple calls to triple A later it doesn't seem quite as fun as I had imagined it.


Stephanie said...

Wow, that doesn't sound fun at all. Cute pic though!

Michelle said...

Oh, the beauty of snow. I do not miss that ONE OUNCE. Rick used to scrape my windows and warm up the car for me in the morning. Why don't you find some nice boy who won't mind freezing to death while he gets your call all nice and warm for you...

j-liz said...

I can't even respond I am laughing so hard. But I'm glad to hear the Zoomina is spreading the holiday cheer.

Tamara said...

Uh, can someone please remind Justin that the car's name is "A Boy Named Opal?"

Rough times, Coach. Provo + Snow + BYU's ridonkulous parking regs = BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

On a positive note, if you keep this up, you'll end up in Police Beat in no time. You want something you can be proud of, don't you Coachney Russ?

Stephanie said...

Is it weird that I'm secretly wishing for that kind of snow here in Dallas? It'll never happen, but nothin' wrong with wishing, right?