In the Dallas, each stake has a Nativity Exhibit where members are invited to lend their nativities to be displayed for a week and we invite non member friends/ co workers to come and see this display where there are hundreds of nativities from all around the world. AND, there was a PENGUIN NATIVITY! If a penguin nativity isn't awesome enough to get you out here to visit, maybe nothing will...
Yes, by a cruel twist of fate, Dale ended up being asked to be Mary and Joseph in the live nativity. No, it wasn't as awesome as Kristin's portrayal of Mary (you'll all recall "Mary was happy but sad.") No, we did not have to reinact Luke 2 before we could open our new pajamas on Christmas Eve and no Dad was not video taping us. But yes, if you must know, that was Dale sticking his tongue out at me while I was EVER SO REVERENTLY trying to hug (and nuzzle just a little). Anyway, who's in? Christmas in Texas next year? Buellar? Anyone?
Thats a heck of twist they just put on the nativity story.
Dale, that was not Joseph-like at all. Way to represent the guy.
Do you know what the best part about the Laserbeams acting out the nativity? It generally comes right before the other timeless Christmas tradition, Oh L'amour. Yep, that's the big one. Fire up the camera Dad because the ghetto blaster and leatards are coming out!
I'd show you my Mary photos, but since I had a hideous page boy haircut for all my childhood years, I'm too embarassed. Speaking of hideous, have you all seen Nacho Libre?
That was Kate posting and I'm too lazy to change logins.
Kristin and I rocked the house doing Oh know it and so do we. (I really hope somebody has destroyed the evidence by now)
Anybody want to lobby for putting that video on You Tube?
I think posting that video would only be fair to the rest of us...
Thanks for covering for me, Tams. I couldn't have gotten the birthday stuff done without you, so thank you thank you thank you!
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