Friday, December 7, 2007

Now's your chance...

Okay fellow is your shot to move to Fresno and join Rick working for Uncle Sam. They are hiring a research attorney in his officde because one of his co-workers is out on disability for like a year or maybe permanently. So, if you like short hours, low stress and paid government holidays...send in your resume. It doesn't pay great, but money isn't everything, right? Besides, there are houses in my neighborhood that are being auctioned off next month. You could get one of those houses for really cheap and we could be neighbors! What could be better than that? I mean really, I would send Carter over to visit every day. Now sure, we did get robbed, but most homes (including ours) have a security system and as long as you don't get one that backs up to an open field, you'll be fine. So, who's game? We'll be happy to hand in the resume personally for all interested parties. Oh yeah, one more perk. Fresno is gorgeous right now. The fall colors are still in full bloom. I have never seen so much red, orange, and yellow on trees! It is absolutely fabulous. Don't all jump at once...I don't want everyone fighting over this opportunity...


Dale said...

Sorry, I'm still trying to pay off my bookies after my gamble in Utah didn't pay off. That and having insufficient equity in my house ain't gonna help my cause. So, Tams, Lisa, it's all you.

Tamara said...

I'm in. Where do I sign?

Katie L. said...

Do I have to have a law degree? I mean, I'm a quick learner, I think I could handle it.

Lyndee said...

I need your address. Email me
Sorry no Lawers in the family. If you hear of any Perfustionist I there.

Courtney said...

Is that what fall is supposed to look like? Here in Utah it looks more like cold, misery, depression, death...wait...that's what it feels like. What it looks like is white, all white.