Tuesday, December 4, 2007


So, for this post, I'm going to need you all to channel Clark W. Griswold. So, I'm pulling out of my driveway at zero miles an hour. I'm watching behind me because I have to be very careful how I pull out since our fence borders our driveway in the back and so if I swerve even a snitch I'll take out my own fence. On the radio (this is not a lie) "Happy holiday, Happy holiday, May the calendar keep bringing happy holidays to you." All of the sudden, my car is just JOLTED, I mean rocked like a baby with colic.
I look behind me and see nothing. I put on the e-brake thinking "I'm not far enough out of my driveway to have hit a trash can." I look to the right. Nothing. I look to the left to find a car that had sped down the alley behind our house SO FAST that she couldn't even pull her car to a stop until she was cleanly in front of the house next door to mine.
Her front fender was crumpled back showing the scars of functionally side swiping my bumper. Oh, and her hubcap had popped off and was resting soundly (what was left of it) in my drive way.
This sweet little sister (not so much) then pranced herself out of the car and confessed the following two things:
1. This happened to me in our last neighborhood. (Things that came to mind to say: 1. "Does it count as 'happening to you' if you're the one that causes it?" and 2. "Genius, learn your lesson and stop barrelling down the blind alley!")
2. I just didn't see you. I completely didn't see you. (Things that came to mind to say: 1. "Well did you see what was on your ipod which you were fiddling with when you Kabloooied poor innocent Reginald?" and 2. "I hope the song was good b/c it's gonna cost you!")
And worse! Poor Adam still suffering from back trauma hears the sound (and heaven can only imagine what he must have thought happened) has to haul his stricken carcass out to survey the damage. Luckily the appraiser saw my car this afternoon and felt optimistic that it couldn't be my fault. I heart him.
And the photo? While this isn't my trusty car Reggie, it's an accurate represenatation of how he feels this afternoon. Get well cards to Reggie are totally appropriate.


Courtney said...

I'm a little offended you used a picture of a smashed Lumina, I mean...what are you trying to say? You wish it was a boy named Opal that got smashed instead of Reggie? Ouch Tammy, that really hurts.

The Queen said...

Bummer. Good thing you hadn't backed out any further, that could have really been bad. You know what would have been funny? If you had told her that you, your brother, and your brother-in-law (am I missing anyone? Lisa?) are all lawyers. And I must confess that I, for one, was wondering when you started driving that car.

Stephanie said...

wow! What a way to start a morning! You and your stories... it's so funny because there's always a soundtrack to go along with the story and it makes it even more hilarious! lolol Wait, it's not funny.

I had a similiar experience when I lived in Dallas when I was 18. It happened just like yours did (the alley way) except I was the one driving down the alley and crashed with the lady backing out of her driveway - that was how I met my neighbor at the time. Yeeeeup, good times. Sorry to hear about your crash. That pretty much stinks.

Stephanie said...

and Reggie?! That's hilarious!

Katie L. said...

I too appreciated the sound track. Keep the stories coming.