Sunday, December 2, 2007

Classic Basher

So this morning Ashley has been walking all over the house talking on her princess cell phone. It is Katie's Mom's B-day so Kate is cooking and I am cleaning. I asked the girls to clean up their morning mess. Emma and Camille start cleaning but Ash keeps chatting on her phone.
Me: Ash, help the girls clean.
Ash: Dad, be quiet.
Me: I need you to help clean up.
Ash: Dad, be quiet, I'm on the phone.
Me: (laughing but trying to be serious) Ash, help clean up.
Ash: Dad, be quiet, do I need to spank you?
Me: (laughing hysterically) Yes.

..... three minutes later ....

Katie is cooking in the kitchen with Ash standing on a stool monitoring the progress.
Katie: Ash, can you put this in the pantry?
Ash: Um, I'm on the phone.


The Queen said...

That's hilarious.

Tamara said...

Poor Basher...already corrupted. Never had a shot.

Courtney said...

HA HA HA! Seriously, how do you breed such funny kids. I'm sending my kids to you for the first three years of their life so they at least have a chance at being funny.

Dale said...

Justin, you might want to think about investing in pre-paid therapy. I'm not sure who will need it more, but I think it is a pretty safe bet that by the teen years, either you and Kate or the kids will need it.

Michelle said...

You better start saving up for those cell phone bills...

j-liz said...

I wish we could post video on this thing because the typed version doesn't do Bash justice. You have to hear her little lisp when she says, Dad, do I have to spank you?

Stephanie said...

Your kids are legendary!