Monday, December 31, 2007

Bedtime Prayer... the twin way.

Hey! Here's our first video using our digital camera... if you listen closely, you'll here Brittany saying thanks in her prayers for Santa Claus and the Polar Express, had to get the important things in there! Only one of them was supposed to be saying the prayer, but like all other things when one starts doing something, the other joins in. Anyway, hope you all have a great New Years celebration!


Michelle said...

That is absolutely adorable. I can't believe they're talking...I still picture them much younger. I'm going to have to post some videos of Malia talking. She is pretty funny.

Tamara said...

I seriously just love the sound of their voices. Especially Brit's prayer last night. I can't get enough of them.

Katie L. said...

Yes, the baby babble is so loveable. I missed Santa and the Polar Express, but I'll have to listen again.