Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I'm just curious about everybody's take on the primary elections that are going on...I have been following it fairly closely and it's very interesting to me. Maybe all of you aren't in to politics, but I've been watching the debates and I just finished a political science class, so it peaked my interest...that and I had to do a paper on Mitt Romney. It was very educational. We had a very interesting discussion in relief society on Sunday. Somehow it ended up a very political discussion. Do you think the world is ready for a Mormon President? Can you believe Mitt Romney has made it this far? Do you think he has a shot of winning the nomination? Just curious...


Tamara said...

You know, Adam and I have been pretty involved since this whole thing began and have taken a while to come down on who we'd vote for. I guess politicians make themselves pretty unlikeable sometimes. Anyway, I think after McCain's big win in Florida and Giuliani now endorsing him going into Super Tuesday, Mitt's chances look slim. I'm intrigued though. You can bet I'll be watching.

As to your questions about America being ready for a Mormon, I just don't know. Adam read something not too long ago that said Mitt is one of those people that surpasses geniuses and is just off the charts brilliant. And the person who wrote it was a disinterested party. I thought what a shame it would be if Mitt really is that brilliant and really does have the Midas touch as far as economics are concerned if we Americans refused to give him a shot because we thought his religion is weird. Assuming all that is true, we'll probably pay for it in the end with another promises politician that gives us nothing we really need. Or worse. Hillary. :)

Lisa said...

Okay, so here's my totally uneducated comment....

I really can't decide if we're ready for a Mormon president, but I definitely don't think we're ready for a female president (yes, I'm sexist). I saw H walk into the state of the union and thought, "Wow. That's dorky, carrying a purse everywhere...she'd look really funny at rose garden press conferences and meeting the prime minister with that out-dated black thing slung over her shoulder. I sure hope a man wins."

Katie L. said...

I am sexist, or at least when it comes to women in the workplace. I've heard way too many stories from Justin about his female bosses breaking into tears at work or doing other things that make me embarrased to be a girl and I just don't think we women are made for that environment. I don't think I ever want a female president. I can't imagine someone making decisions for our country based on emotional response. And Hillary? She is below pond scum, with or without Bill in tow.

Tamara said...

So, I had to leave the room last night when the debates were on. I mean, seriously, I kept hearing in my head "blessed are the peace makers" and these men were just slinging mud, mud and more mud! I told Adam that if a certain candidate is nominted from the Repulican party (who shall remain nameless so as to remain PC) I may not vote.

Especially if my other option is Hil Dawg. I mean, Kate/ Lisa, did you see that rally she was speaking at where she cried in front of everyone? Honestly? She wants me to believe she can be the commander in chief? And she was crying because she didn't win the caucus the night before. Are you kidding? What's she going to do if she doesn't get her way with pulling out of Iraq? Get up in front of congress and cry? I'm embarassed to be a woman with people like her running around.

Michelle said...

I pretty much hated the debates last night too. I get tired of the arguing. And I get tired of the smug look on McCain's faces and hearing him say..."my friends..." WE ARE NOT HIS FRIENDS. I like Mitt Romney. I think he has the most sound economic background and the best understanding of applied economics to get us out of the hole we're in. But, I think that the world isn't ready for a Mormon President. Check out the air time he gets...during the Florida caucus, CNN had a live camera on Hillary's camp, O'Bama's camp, McCain's camp and Huckabee's camp. HELOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. What about the other fron runner who lost by a mere 5%? That's the way it always is on CNN. No air time for Mitt.

Lisa said...

I like Mitt too, and I realy would vote for him but I'm not sure my ballot is going to work out for super tuesday and let's face it - I might not get the chance in November.

And I totally agree about a crier running the country - shouldn't happen. But I'm not embarassed to be a girl (and a crier). I'm mostly just glad that the girl DOES have some emotion. We women should just be happy to be soft-hearted and keep our emotions at home where a good husband can give us a more stable shoulder to cry on.

Of course, to defend my "stay home" remark, I'll remind everyone that I will be going back to work part-time....but that doesn't mean I haven't turned off my clock, shut the door, and let out a cry right there in my office. The president can't hide in her office all day.

Courtney said...

Ok so I'm sure this will come as a big shocker to most of the fam, but I have been following the election a bit.

I think Huckleberry (I mean Huckabee) is a skeeze. I don't know if any of you have seen Breach but her reminds me of the shady main character that pretends to be all religious but is secretly a major perve.

The only person that makes my skin crawl more than him is Hill. I watched the Florida caucus and my good friend Mitt gave the best 1 liner of the night (or election for that matter). They told him that Hillary and Bill planned on running as a team if she wins and they asked how he planned on running against the both of them. The entire time they were asking the question he had this big smile on his face. Then he responds "I think the last thing this country wants is Bill Clinton in the White House with nothing to do." HA HA! I have never been prouder of Mitt. I started out kind of sketchy on him, mostly because it really bothered me that so many people would vote for him because he was mormon but the more I read up on him, the more convinced I am that he'd be, at least, the most ideal president of the canidates.

Do I think the country is ready for a mormon president? No, definately not. I think the country is ready to look for whats wrong with a mormon president simply because he is mormon and disregard every good thing he has done. I think they are ready to attribute every flaw of his to his religion. On the same token, I too am sexist and feel we're not (nor will we ever be) ready for a woman president.

Carrie L said...

I listened to most of the debate on the way home last night and I thought Romney was excellent. Well-informed, well-spoken, and well-deserving of leading this country. Among the undecided voters watching, he scored in the 90s and McCain was in the 40s. Then I turn on the news this morning and all they talked about was how great McCain did and how the Governator is backing him. I wanted to gag at the injustice. Can't we finally have an intelligent president? I'm saddened by the religious bias that still exists in this country.

As for a woman in the Oval Office, I'm for it--but it definitely should not be Hillary. She's an embarrassment to our gender. Her crying act was just a stunt and unfortunately it worked. That should be an embarrassment to all democrats. Whew, sorry, I'm a little rilled up this morning.

Stephanie said...

Here's my take on it...

Sometimes I think that maybe our nation could use a democratic President, but never in a million years would I think Hillary would be a good choice. She's HORRIBLE!!! I think she's just in it for the name and to make history books as the first woman president. I think she's just power hungry. As far as Mccain goes... I don't trust him one bit. He doesn't seem genuine at all and is just a big hypocrit. I do however like the views that Romney has and also Obama. If it comes down to those two, I'm not sure who I would vote for. I like that Romney has an excellent background with things related to the economy and I think he could really help out our nation in that area. When it comes to Obama, I like what he wants to do with the public school system as far as improving education and such. That's a big topic for me so as far as right now, I'm warming up more to Obama than Romney. It makes me uncomfortable to know that there are people out there who would vote for Romney only because he's LDS, but then it also makes me uncomfortable to know that there are people who wouldnt vote for him for the same reason. I don't think that should have anything to do with it. Who cares what religion the person is.