Saturday, January 26, 2008

Today's Highlights

Here are the highlights from today's game. Jake really knows how to get a fast break going.


j-liz said...

Forget about Carmello Anthony, when does the Jake summer camp start? I would like to enroll Nate. I am pretty sure Jake started playing at about his age and let's be honest, my kid has what doctors call "A bit of a weight problem."

Tamara said...

Your kid is the raddest. The best part is he takes his shot and then just moves on as if to say "all in a day's work." He's the man.

Stephanie said...

He's seriously got some natural talent there. It's so impressive to watch! Makes me even more proud to be a Lisonbee. Keep the videos coming!

Katie L. said...

I was wondering if you could post some of his hospital pictures, I want to see if he had the ball in his hands then. PS What do you used to edit those clips?

Rickterscale said...

I use Windows Movie Maker to edit the clips. Comes with Windows Vista. No the greatest software, but it gets a basic job done.