One day, it occurred to us that we're going to have a kid soon and vacationing will not be the easiest thing in the world. We thought, since we took a conservative honeymoon, we'd better hurry up and take one last trip if we were ever going to do it before our whole world changes. Only weeks before we boarded the plane, the plans were made. Adam found a mad crazy package to go to Hawaii and so we told our jobs and took off. Here's some of the highlights:
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
One day, it occurred to us that we're going to have a kid soon and vacationing will not be the easiest thing in the world. We thought, since we took a conservative honeymoon, we'd better hurry up and take one last trip if we were ever going to do it before our whole world changes. Only weeks before we boarded the plane, the plans were made. Adam found a mad crazy package to go to Hawaii and so we told our jobs and took off. Here's some of the highlights:
Thought of the Day
How true is that. Anyways, I just thought that was worth sharing.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Why isn't anybody posting?
My second bit of bell peppers are growing. I have like two or three that are about the size of a pea right now. Love it!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Neato Frito Pedo!

So, happy b-day to the man who quickly outgrew the nickname "General Fats" and moved on to any number of other supremely stellar nicknames like the one mentioned in the title. You know, we owe a lot to Justin. It's not every man who can don an easter bonnet and make it look cool. Nor is it every big brother in the nursery who will pop some other kid in the beak to get his little sister her glow worm back (I would have been traumatized without it. The kid was totally asking for it). Or jump on the hood of a moving vehicle only to find that the occupants of the car may or may not have been other than the people he was expecting.
Perhaps the crowning moment of Justin's hilarity was the tackling of the trashcan at Disneyland when he came up swinging afterwards. I was fairly certain that I'd caused internal damage from how hard I laughed. Just more evidence that wherever Justin goes, there is fun. HBD, Justino!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Sleeping Beauty...
Gardening tools...
What? Not everybody uses drills to plan tomatoes? Yes folks, these are what I use to garden. I have always wanted to plant vegetables. So, this year, our circumstances permit it...we have enough space, and spots where the plants will get plenty of sun. So, I bought some plants and then went out to plant them...I could not get down more than two inches in that DIRT. The locals call it "hard pan." I call it cement. Our dirt is so hard, you literally have to get a hammer drill with a mack daddy drill bit to drill a hole. Mind you, even with that, the hole only goes down like three inches or something. Then, you get the biggest regular drill bit you have and drill holes in the side of the hole for the roots to grow into. I gave up after like 8 or 9 plants and bought some pots and planted some of the tomatoes/cucumbers/basil in the pots. That way I didn't have to break out the drill bit. When we have some tasty tomatoes this summer, I'm going to be glad I did this. But for today, I'm exhausted!!!!!!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Wedding Bells are Ringing
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Quotes from Malia
I go over and scoot the bench in.
Malia: "Thanks mom. Thanks for saving me."
The zoo
I only remember going to the L.A. Zoo growing up...I'm sure we've been to others, but i don't remember them. The L.A. Zoo is up and down hills...mostly up hills, actually. So you have to hike the whole time. Some friends and I went to the zoo in Fresno and it was all FLAT. There was no hiking involved! The animals were actually out and about and it wasn't even crowded! The girls had a great time. I did learn one lesson though...I AM DONE WITH STROLLERS!!!!! Malia won't ride in them any more. She just wants to "help" push it around which ends up in run over little feet, very slow progress, and grumpy mom! No More Strollers!
Easily entertained...
Monday, April 14, 2008
It's the moment you've all been waiting for...'s some pictures from our cruise. The first one is the skyline of San Diego which was just cool looking. That was our first stop. We wandered around in Seaport village and checked out this awesome U.S. Navy ship that was parked in the harbor. The weather was fabulous. The next stop was Catalina where we froze our noses off. It was so cold, when we got back to the ship, it took me like three hours to thaw out. We did do a tour there of the island which was fun. There are only 800 cars allowed on Catalina Island. The wait list is 15 years to get a car. And gas is crazy expensive there! It's over $4.00 a gallon. The post office doesn't deliver...the people have to go to the post office to get it. When there is bad weather, the barges that normally bring in all their food only bring in the four most important things...bread, milk, eggs and beer. Nice. I really enjoyed it. People drive golf carts there instead of cars. The next day we were in Ensenada. We took the bus downtown and just walked around in the shops. We bought some souveneirs for the kids (the mexican dresses that the girls are wearing). We went to a restaurant to have some authentic mexican food and instead were treated to microwave warmed Mission tortillas and some disgusting "inards" if you will. We went back to the boat to get a real lunch.
The food was great. I loved the appetizers...they had a cold strawberry soup and a pear soup that I loved. I also ate eggplant for the first time. Rick had lamb one night. One night they had a chocolate buffet at midnight. it was so beautiful looking. They had ice sculptures and big swans made out of white and dark chocolate. It was absolutely had to wait in line for quite awhile to get there though...It was worth the wait for the chocolate covered strawberries.
The entertainment was fun too...there was a great comedian who made fun of singers. He could sing really well, himself, but he imitated others and that was very funny. There were a coupld of Las Vegas style shows taht were less than fabulous. My favorite was karaoke. I love watching people do that. Some were really good and really got the crowd into it. Others just stunk but were having a good time doing it. It was good fun. There was an adult scavenger hunt one night which was very funny. People were doing crazy stuff like taking out their false teeth to show to the M.C., men walking around in their girlfriend/wife's shoes, women dumping out their purse to show the empty purse to the M.C., and men holding hands with other men, skipping around. (I will not mention names, but rick may or may not have done the last thing I mentioned...). All for a Keychain!!!!!
I highly recommend crusing. I think it would be even more fun if there were other couples with us...who's in?
Saturday, April 12, 2008
I never wanted to be in the marching band...
Friday, April 11, 2008
Dinner conversation...
Carter (to Bella): Bella, should we answer that?
Bella: I guess. (Malia definitely has control over this house)
They walk in the other room and come back with Malia in tow. They all three sit at the table. Carter shares some of his chicken nuggets with Malia.
Carter: Say thank you Malia.
Malia: No, you say thank you to Princess Cinderella.
In other words, she will only be referred to as Princess Cinderella. (And Carter ought to be thanking her for her very presence.
That's okay because one day she got dressed in one of Mackenzie's old bridesmaid dresses and carried around a purple magic wand. She insisted that we call her "Your highness." I can't wait til she's a teenager. This should be fun.
We're Baaaaack...
In the news
Thursday, April 10, 2008
We had tornadoes!!!
It all started around 3am last night when I noticed some lightning outside that was flashing in a way I've never seen before, so I went outside to watch it cuz it was cool (yeah, I'm pretty smart!). Anyway, it was crazy, whenever the lightning would flash, the area in the sky around it would turn a NEON BLUE! It was weird! It was a little off in the distance (maybe around a couple miles away) and the weather wasn't bad at all at our house at that time. Anyway, so the color of the blue was SO amazing that I went to wake Dale up so he could see it. Just in the time it took me to go get Dale and have him look out the window, the weather had changed drastically (it was like it went from 5 to 100 just in that short time!) and the storm was over our house, lightning in every direction going like every half second and inbetween those seconds, there was more lightning flashing in other directions... it was seriously crazy! Then the wind picked up and our electricity went out. We heard tornado alarms going off in the distance and so we went to gather the kids and Chudleigh, ready to head for our little safety spot in the house and just sat there, in the dark, lightning flashing like crazy, wind blowing waaaay out of control and just sat there waiting for the neighborhood tornado alarm to go off. Anyway, after about 20 minutes, the storm passed and headed towards Plano (where Uncle Rick is). Everything was fine, thank goodness.
Ok, so fast forward to tonight....
As I was driving to Woga Gym in Plano, I noticed that there were HUGE oak trees split in half and down along the street and uprooted, power lines down everywhere, roofs messed over. As I got closer to Woga (and to Uncle Rick's house - he's a block away from Woga), the damage got worse and worse. It was CRAZY!!!! Once I finally got to Woga, it was chaos just trying to get into the parking lot because everything was taped off and the entire intersection was blocked with emergency trucks everywhere because of more huge trees and power lines being down... not just the power lines but even the big wooden poles that hold the lines were down!
Anyway, so when I finally made it into the Woga parking lot, I noticed that the building was damaged big time and it was all taped off... and yet, there was still class going on! We had to actually walk underneath the tape to get to the doorway and yet, class was STILL going on! That's Texas for ya!
Oh and on a side note... I did pass by Uncle Rick's house on the way home to make sure his house was ok and it's fine. There's trees throughout his neighborhood that are down and the entire neighborhood smells heavily like sap, but luckily Uncle Ricks house is fine and the humongous oak tree in his yard is unharmed. I did notice, however, that one of his shingles is hanging off practically, but that's nothin thank goodness!!!! Anyway, thought I'd share! Welcome to Texas, Kate & Justin!! Hope you're ready for this! :)
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
I heart Cub Scouts!

Sunday, April 6, 2008
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Go Matty...It's your birthday!

1. Matty opened his mission call in my living room in Provo. I had to help him figure out how to pronounce "Tegucigalpa." Funny how his Spanish can run circles around mine now.
2. It was my birthday and I'd had the worst week in the world. I went out to my car and Matty had literally crammed my car full of Hot Tamales, balloons and a really thoughtful note. Or on another birthday, Matty and Coach told me they didn't have time to hang out at all that day and then surprised me by showing up at the law school with balloons and took me to dinner at my favorite Mexican Restaurant.
3. The countless BYU games that Matty and I attended together. We had tickets with all the kids from the Valencia/ Santa Clarita Stakes but so many times it was just he and I. One game in particular duing Matty's freshman year, BYU beat U of U in a 4th quarter thriller so Matty and I rushed the field. Or this photo above where Matty and I decided to go despite the bad weather. We had like second row seats and Cosmo came by to reward our loyalty. Yay Cosmo!
4. He somehow talked me and Coach into playing on a co-ed intramural soccer team. Terrible wouldn't begin to describe how our team was but it was probably the most fun I'd had in ages. The highlight of the season was when I was down right by goal and one of our players was on a fast break. He made quick pass and both Matty and Coach saw it...only they were coming at the ball from opposite sides of the field. They both sprinted at the ball full speed. Neither one saw the other until too late and they positively flattened one another. It took like 18 whistles by the ref and roughly 3 minutes for us to stop laughing long enough to get back to the game.
5. Finally, the little show off went ahead and graduated like eleventy billion years early so we got to walk together. Lest any of you be decieved, I'd like you to know that under Matty's robes, he's wearing some surf T-shirt and cargo pants. TAKE THAT, DRESS CODE!
Matty, I miss you now that you're so far away but we'll always have "Lil' Brudder," won't we? Happy Birthday! Back to you folks. Let's hear your Matty love!
Friday, April 4, 2008
Because you REALLY wanted to see more...

Here she is in her Easter dress from Nana. I love this face.
We've been giving her some baby cereal every now and then at dinnertime. This is a funny face but she actually really likes it and will smoothly eat spoonful after spoonful. I feed her as kind of a hobby, and to keep her happy while we eat. (Don't remind me of this when her emotional eating actually becomes a problem.)
And lastly - like mother, like daughter...
Thursday, April 3, 2008
How cute is this? This is "Pweston," one of my friend Elizabeth's kids. He is the cutest, squishiest little guy. He and Malia love to play. I love having him over because he's happy to eat and run outside the whole time. And, he doesn't take any of what Malia dishes out...and he calls her "Mawea." What's not to love about that?
*%#$ trash people
So, I came home from getting Bella her kindergarden shots today to see this. Anybody who knows Jake knows he is obssessed with basketball. He plays outside shooting hoops EVERY DAY...The stupid trash people must've knocked it over when they were getting our trash. They SUCK. A few weeks ago, they dropped the trash can in the middle of the driveway. I hit it when I was backing out (because it is too short for me to see it out our back window) and broke our tail light. I was ticked then but now I am beyond pissed. That hoop cost like $300+ and he got is for christmas. Rick called the trash company and the supervisor said it's against city code to have basketball hoops in the sidewalk or the street because it's city property. Ours was on our sidewalk.
So, who has any ideas how we can get this replaced by either the manufacturer or the trash company? If you know me, you know I can't just let something like this go. Somebody's going to pay for it and IT'S NOT GOING TO BE ME! So, let's hear your ideas...
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
I never blog anymore
My little climbers...
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Living the Dream

The point is guys, I'm living the dream and I'm doing my best not to take it for granted. Sometimes when I get overwhelmed with midterms or finals I start wishing college away but then there are times like these to remind me of just how good I have it.