Friday, April 25, 2008


I took my last final Tuesday night (HORRAY!) and the new semester doesn't start till this coming Tuesday, so naturally I'm spending 5 of my 6 days off in sunny California. After arriving, we headed strait to Tito's Tacos and then over to La Brea Tar Pits to meet up with Krally, Steven, and Lu Lu. I think the best part of the adventure was either the sign reading "Birds are nesting. They may act aggressively" or Steven getting busted for picking up the turtle. After the museum we headed back home and then to strait over to Monk Shabunk's open house. I know this may come as a shock but picture #3 is actually a drawing, not a photograph. Mackenzie had to pick her favorite family member and write about them. I made to stand by the drawing in her classroom and inform all those who passed by that I was the inspiration behind her assignment. By far the greatest assignment Kenz showed us is displayed in picture #5. Mackenzie and her friends created a clothing line which they named "PMS(O)" It is the first initials of all the creators. I was the only one who could keep a strait face when she was describing it to us. And then, I asked her to stand by it for a picture and totally unprovoked she came up with the pose you see in the picture. Now if that isn't a a PMS pose, I don't know what is...


Michelle said...

That is hillarious. Kristin should definitely keep that for future usage...

Stephanie said...

Those pics are great!!! lol

Tamara said...

I'm pretty sure Kenz has a future in modeling. She's rad at striking a pose.