Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I heart Cub Scouts!

Some of you may have seen these shots on my blog already but I thought they were just too priceless to not post here too so everyone got to see Brando's rite of passage. So, thanks to the Cub Scouts, Brandon needed to get his Outdoor Cooking merit badge. You know what that means... Uncle Adam at his best. I mean, if ever there were a skill that this man had mastered, it's the grill. So, here's Adam teaching the kiddo how to construct the perfect burger. (Evidently this is an art form) Brandon is obviously reveling in his new found "man skill..." (Dale is just outside the shot and was gracious enough to let us partake in this man-fest that is the first cook out of the season)
I managed to cruise outside to the garage right in time to catch the tail end of Adam teaching Brandon "Grill Safety 101" with Dale looking on for supervision, perhaps... My personal favorite part was the discussion of the explosive properties of several different types of gases when exposed to flame. I really couldn't follow the conversation...too much chemical reaction discussion for my simple mind ...but the take home message was definitely obvious: BOY SCOUTS, YOUNG AND OLD, LOVE FIRE AND EVERYTHING ASSOCIATED WITH IT! (cough***Dale***Adam***Brando)
Here's Brando eating the fruits of his labor. I personally partook and I have to say, let's hear it for the Boy Scouts organization that gives Dads, Uncles and boys the world over a great excuse to get out to the grill and me an excuse to partake in the goodness. These boys are culinary geniuses. Thanks Dale and Steph for including us in the fun. I'm glad Adam has a nephew around now that the pink team is winning at the Braun house! (P.S. Girls rule!)


Courtney said...

Its going to be great when I move to Texas and get to participate in this fun.

Stephanie said...

Those pics are so good! I think I'll copy and paste your posting and add it to my blog... I just like the way you explained it all, you did a much better job than I could do. :)

Dee Lisonbee said...

Hurrah for the Scouts big and small who do their best to feed us all - whats not to love