Thursday, April 17, 2008

The zoo

I only remember going to the L.A. Zoo growing up...I'm sure we've been to others, but i don't remember them. The L.A. Zoo is up and down hills...mostly up hills, actually. So you have to hike the whole time. Some friends and I went to the zoo in Fresno and it was all FLAT. There was no hiking involved! The animals were actually out and about and it wasn't even crowded! The girls had a great time. I did learn one lesson though...I AM DONE WITH STROLLERS!!!!! Malia won't ride in them any more. She just wants to "help" push it around which ends up in run over little feet, very slow progress, and grumpy mom! No More Strollers!


Courtney said...

Call da zoo. So I'm coming home next weekend...any chance I'll see be seeing you and your adorable children?

Michelle said...

Next weekend? What are you doing home and how long are you there? If gas wasn't a bazillion dollars a gallon, I'd say for sure...but I guess it depends on when you're coming and for how long...

Rickterscale said...

Great! I've been trying to convince you to get rid of the strollers since we moved here!!

Courtney said...
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Courtney said...

I'll be back the 24th through the 28th, I freaking can't wait to be in a state where it doesn't snow mid-April!!!

OlsenFam said...

We were at the LA zoo last week---along with thousands of other KIDS. It would be nice to go to one that wasn't so crowded. I'm with you on the stroller, if I can just figure out where to put all the crap that is usually in the stroller (jackets, snacks, sunscreen, purse, camera, etc....)

Dionne said...

Strollers, cribs, pack and plays are flying out of my house and it is the best feeling!