Saturday, April 5, 2008

Go Matty...It's your birthday!

Ah Mattykins. Badgew. Matchoo-choo. Bunners. Happy Birthday, Matty! The thing that's awesome about Matty is he's this incredibly smart, tenacious, persistent kid who busts out and says the most outlandishly hilarious thing and manages to keep a straight face. He's an amazing listener and has a gift for being very thoughtful and sensitive. I got to be kind of a Matty hog for several years when it was just he and I up at BYU together and during those years, he became one of my closest friends. Being that it's his birthdee, I thought I'd share some highlights.

1. Matty opened his mission call in my living room in Provo. I had to help him figure out how to pronounce "Tegucigalpa." Funny how his Spanish can run circles around mine now.

2. It was my birthday and I'd had the worst week in the world. I went out to my car and Matty had literally crammed my car full of Hot Tamales, balloons and a really thoughtful note. Or on another birthday, Matty and Coach told me they didn't have time to hang out at all that day and then surprised me by showing up at the law school with balloons and took me to dinner at my favorite Mexican Restaurant.

3. The countless BYU games that Matty and I attended together. We had tickets with all the kids from the Valencia/ Santa Clarita Stakes but so many times it was just he and I. One game in particular duing Matty's freshman year, BYU beat U of U in a 4th quarter thriller so Matty and I rushed the field. Or this photo above where Matty and I decided to go despite the bad weather. We had like second row seats and Cosmo came by to reward our loyalty. Yay Cosmo!

4. He somehow talked me and Coach into playing on a co-ed intramural soccer team. Terrible wouldn't begin to describe how our team was but it was probably the most fun I'd had in ages. The highlight of the season was when I was down right by goal and one of our players was on a fast break. He made quick pass and both Matty and Coach saw it...only they were coming at the ball from opposite sides of the field. They both sprinted at the ball full speed. Neither one saw the other until too late and they positively flattened one another. It took like 18 whistles by the ref and roughly 3 minutes for us to stop laughing long enough to get back to the game.

5. Finally, the little show off went ahead and graduated like eleventy billion years early so we got to walk together. Lest any of you be decieved, I'd like you to know that under Matty's robes, he's wearing some surf T-shirt and cargo pants. TAKE THAT, DRESS CODE!

Matty, I miss you now that you're so far away but we'll always have "Lil' Brudder," won't we? Happy Birthday! Back to you folks. Let's hear your Matty love!


j-liz said...

Hey Matty, Happy Birthday. Do you remember 6 years ago when I called you at 4:30 am to tell you that your little neice Camille was born on your birthday? I almost called you this morning at 4 am just for old times but resisted the temptation.

Lisa said...

Matt asked for one of those cakes with all the rainbow chips in the cake and in the frosting. I about died from the thought of the artificial everything and 0 nutritional value, but it was worth it. He said he hadn't had it since he was around 16, and being that he is SO OLD now, I'll do anything to help him feel like a kid again. We all know there are a gabazillion things I love about him, but I'll just leave this one thought (which reminds me of the cake) - he is totally fun and playful - with all the endearing charms of a child, and he makes my life great.

Michelle said...

Happy birthday Matty...for your enjoyment (and mine), I'm going to send my kids up to visit you this week. How's that for a birthday present? The gift that keeps on giving. The kids can't wait to play with Uncle Matty. You are, after all, the honored Uncle that made it into Bella's family picture. I'm hoping in the coming months, we'll get to see you more frequently as summer approaches and time permits...I'm looking forward to it. I'm glad you enjoyed your funfetti cake...Eat some frosting for me.

Courtney said...

Matty matty matty fee fi fo fatty, MATTY! Happ diddily appy bithday to you brother. I'm glad my friends were so willing to celebrate your birthday with me by going out to dinner. They could tell I missed you a lot and was having a hard time on your birthday without you up here and they really came through.

Oh hey, remember Ben Treasure? That guy in your University ward that you didn't like that I dated? Ya, well he's in my Belmont ward now...still as much of an obnoxious, pretentious man as ever. Good call on that one, next time I'll listen to you :)

Matty said...

Justin, if I had woken up the next morning,or even that morning a couple of hours later when I normally woke up, with my head sewn to the carpet...I would not have been more surprised than at that very moment. That reminds me of a family in Guatemala that would call me at midnight and sing me Happy Birthday and play some crazy Guatemalan song. Tams, those were some good times. It is funny to think about those fun times. It seems like it was not that long ago...and yet we are now both married and have or are expecting a kid. I can't imagine what it would have been like up at BYU without you there. Thanks for being such a great sister.

Kristin said...

Happy Belated Birthday! I'm a day late but who's counting?? Not me because I can't count past 3!! All I have to say is you better be grateful that me and the rest of your sisters don't live closer to you because for your birthday we would've put you in a dress, done your hair really nice and put some lipstick on you just to relive old times...then of course you'd have to sing for us. I found an old picture of you in the garage dressed up like a girl complements of 2 of your great older sisters. Those were the good old days...I love you!

Katie L. said...

Matt, I'm ridiculously late, but we only just celebrated Camille's birthday last night, so I'm behind on everything. Happy Birthday! I hope you had a great one, and even if you didn't you have the cutest little daughter for a consolation prize.

Courtney said...

Uh Matt, what about me. You don't know what you would have done with out me up there too, right?

Matty said...

Coach...the Soccer Incident never would have happened without you up there too. And how else would I have been completely amazed at how pathetic we could be as a team being ranked #119 out of #119 teams? We wanted something we could be proud of didnt we Courtney...sure we did....and we sure did!!!

Stephanie said...

I know it's late, but.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATT!!!! Can't believe you're married with a kid. That's just weird. Still seems like yesterday when you 12. I still remember seeing pics of you in Jeremiah's mission photo album... so weird to think back to that time and then take a step forward and I'm now a Lisonbee myself! I knew even before I met you and the rest of the fam that the Lisonbee family is awesome from all the stories Jeremiah would tell me. He thought really highly of all you guys. In fact, I can say without a doubt that you guys were his "favorite" family during his mission. So, from hearing all the stories before I even met you all, it seems like I've known you a lifetime. So anyways... I really am honored to be your sister-in-law and a member of the Lisonbee fam. So, here's to that... Happy Birthday!