Friday, June 6, 2008

Gentlemen bloggers ...

Paul Pierce's "injury" - real or faked/over-exaggerated? Talk amongst yourselves.


Courtney said...

Uh, why are the women of the blog being discriminated against in this post? I watched the Laker game, I'll have you know, and saw when Pierce when up to block the shot and got "knocked down." And I saw him riding that stationary bike thing after. Have a little respect rickterscale.

Mark said...

Well, I think that he really did think he was initially hurt. But, the comment about the ANGELS coming down to rescue him, NOT REAL. He is trying to milk the attention because of Willis Reed.

j-liz said...

I am saying that it was staged. Even Katie was calling him a "Nancy" after his miraculous recovery of what based on his initial reaction looked like a career-ending knee injury.

Adam said...

I don't think it was staged, but I do expect every Lakers fan to think it was. I believe Pierce when he said he heard something pop, and I think he probably freaked out. When he came back to his senses, he realized he could still play. So, is he perhaps a big baby and shouldn't have overreacted to his "injury"? Yes. Was it staged? No. The guy has zero history of being a wuss, so I'll give him a pass this time.