Sunday, June 8, 2008

The ultimate compliment

So, Saturday morning is Brooke's gymnastics lesson. We were running a little late. So, I told Steph I was driving. We get onto Parker and start the journey (yes, journey - it is a long trip). We were behind granny out for a Saturday afternoon stroll and a furniture truck. That took altogether too long. Then, we got to where there is more than one lane and we hit every light. Then, we passed under the freeway and LA driving skills took over. As I was weaving in and out of traffic like any good LA-schooled driver would do when they are late to a very important date, from the back seat Brandon exclaims, "This is like the Piston Cup." After I heard that and looked over to see Steph - white-knuckled and biting her lip - I thought, "There is no higher compliment a son could pay to his father." From now on folks, just call me Mario, as in Andretti.


Stephanie said...

You forgot to mention that you were driving a big huge Ford Expedition, not exactly a tiny little sports car.

Dee Lisonbee said...

I think by driving a larger vehicle say an SUV or a bus he was making an effort to be invisible by making the cops think he couldnt possibly be driving that BIG vehicle at the speed they thought you were going - way to go Dale, quite a change from the speed you used to drive after your mission

Matty said...

I love this blog. It is always good for a laugh. Im just impressed he knew what the Piston Cup was.