Sunday, June 15, 2008

If this isn't the biggest bag over the head, punch in the know the rest.

One guess as to the first thing to break in the new house. Yep, you guessed it.

Holy freak, where's the Tylenol!


Dee Lisonbee said...

Wow Kate - sure looks like it is hot hot hot in the house - fans become your best friend on Sunday and the pool becomes your continual companion monday thru Saturday so - heres to a speedy repair job-by the way, a phone # or/and new address would be wonderful - I have wanted to call so often but except for Justins cell I dont know how to reach you - are you trying to tell me something????

The Queen said...

doh! i think if your ac breaks it is perfectly ok to run around in the hose on a sunday afternoon.

Michelle said...

Somebody shoot me. Remember in the winter when I blogged about how we came home and our house had been broken into and the Heater wasn't working? I know how you feel. Go dunk your head in the nearest sink repeatedly until you have the illusion of being cold...

Tamara said...

Once when I was house sitting for Michelle and Rick (they were on a quick weekend trip), their A/C broke and it got up to 92degrees inside...and that was without Dallas humidity.

We're only a few miles away Kate, and we've got plenty of towels.

Lisa said...

Oh Kate, I start complaining when it is 79 degrees in my house, and by 82, I tell Matt that I'm going to diiiiiiieeeeee (just like that, too). I really can't imagine. I think you should go stay at the Brauns. I am so so sorry.