Monday, June 16, 2008

Lots of Free Stuff

Hey fam,

I just wanted to take a quick second to tell everyone about I know, you are probably thinking this whole working at the EPA has messed with my mind, I wont deny that, but this website is great. You just click "Browse Groups", then click on your State, and then your City like craigslist, and then you are in. It is a FREE craigslist. Nobody is allowed to charge anything. You can either check it periodically, or you can have it send you email updates. You will get lots of email updates (at least I do) but I set up filters to send most of them to the trash. Anyways, I just saw another new basketball hoop get given away (and I thought of you Michelle) and I have seen Laptops, I got a kids bed, a double stroller, and other great stuff. It really is great, so if you need anything, you should seriously check it out. People are often moving and just need something gone, so even though it is in good condition, they can't drag it along with them. Anyways, just thought it would be a good idea to put it on the blog so you can just click the link. Its great. Who doesnt love free stuff?


1 comment:

Tamara said...

Thanks Matty. I signed up.