Saturday, June 14, 2008

My new favorite salad...

It's summer time and that means salads, salads, and more salads. Here's a recipe for my new favorite. It's a Pampered Chef recipe and my friend Keri made it for us this past week at our "recipe exchange."

Strawberry Spinach Salad

1 lemon
2 T white wine vinegar
1/3 cup granulated sugar
1 T vegetable oil
1 t. poppy seeds

1/4 c sliced natural almonds, toasted
1 1/2 c strawberries, hulled and quartered
1/2 medium cucumber, sliced and cut in half
1/4 small red onion, sliced into thin wedes
1 6 oz. package of baby spinach

For the dressing, zest lemon to masure 1/2 t. of zest. Juice lemon to measure 2 T of juice. DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT USING BOTTLED LEMON JUICE AND BOTTLED LEMON ZEST. FRESH LEMON MAKES THIS SALAD!!!!! Add remainder of dressing ingredients, wisk, and refridgerate until you're ready to serve.

Combine salad ingredients. Top with dressing and Chow Down baby!

In case you were wondering, my menu for father's day...

Stake marinated and grilled on the bar-b-que
Strawberry spinach salad
Grilled zucchini from our garden!!!(marinated in Italian dressing and grilled on the bar-b-que)
Cherry cobbler (made from the cherries I picked this week)
Vanilla ice cream

It's gonna be a good day around here tomorrow!!!


The Queen said...

Um, yummy. When should I get there??? Seriously, that looks really good. I am relieved to see steak on the menu as I was wondering after we got off the phone how Rick would take to salad for dinner. :)

Lisa said...

Poor poor Matt. Sarah just isn't as old as your kids and can't bbq for Father's Day like Jake and Carter can. Guess he'll get a crumpled up piece of napkin - her specialty.

No, actually, she was quite cooperative while I made breakfast, including two things I never cook - bacon and sausage.

Tamara said...

Michelle, you show off. All Adam got a plate of chicken enchiladas and a root beer float for dessert...

In fact, the poor kid made ME breakfast this morning. I'm fired.

Tamara said...
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