Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Kristin's wedding

Folks...you all know I like to be the straight up talker kind of girl, so here goes. The weekend of Kristin's wedding, the padres' house is going to be CRAMPED. Kristin's bedroom is not going to be free as she will still be there as will Mackenzie. Brett's room is also occupied. As such, there is one free bedroom and I think it should go to someone who's bringing a baby. We'll all be happy if the baby can be in a room where the door can be shut so he/she can sleep. But since nobody cares what I think...could we all not stress mom out and just know that we're going to be camping out on the floor somewhere? I mean really, we're one big hap, hap, happy family right? And, we want to be close as we can get, right Clark? So, please don't stress mom and dad out by reserving a bed ahead of time because THERE JUST AREN'T ANY EXTRAS. So, get a hotel, or plan on the couch! Okay? (I am including myself in this grand plan, although we may end up at Elise's house...also on the floor). It's only two nights or three or four or five, but IT WON'T KILL ANY OF US! Right! Let's enjoy each other's company and make Kristin's wedding as happy as possible. We can all catch up on sleep when we're home again. That's all I have to say about that...


Dale said...

So what are you trying to say?

Michelle said...

I am trying to say, we are one big hap, hap, happy family and let's have the biggest slumber party ever and like it...

Michelle said...

P.S. if any of you want to stay after the wedding, you're all welcome to make the trek to fresno...we have plenty of towels, plenty of everything (except beds, of course)...

Matty said...

So I call dibs on Sunny's Dog House. Either that, or somebody has to find one of those giant floaty rings with the leotard attached to it so I can fall asleep while I float around the pool like old times.

The Queen said...

Oh come on Matty, you can just stay at our house! I have plenty of room under my stairs!

Tamara said...

I would like to say that Mom was all stressed out before I talked to her on Saturday and I can only imagine it's gonna get worse from there.

I for one am apalled at the thought of Kristin not having her room the night before the wedding. She's the one that has to take pictures the next day, so she should get first dibbs on beds, showers, alarm clocks, etc. etc. etc.

We're happy to stay there at the house. We're also happy to stay in the back yard, on Mark's lawn in a tent, whatevs. If we're in Mom's backyard, I call the top of the slide. I tan well, you understand, and that seems to be a prime spot to work on that.

But wherever we end up staying, let's make sure I get an invite to see Matty in his leotard innertube thingy. That, my friends, is a Kodak moment.

Courtney said...

Matt, lets not take cheap shots at the kid who wasn't allowed to go outside without her floaty on. I will contribute to the bed sitch by staying out all night and partying, that way I did even need a bed!

Anonymous said...
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Lisa said...

First, I don't know who Jon is, but I am way too scared to click on his "here"...can we get that thing deleted?

Also, I just wanted to say that even just reading this conversation totally made me excited about going down for the wedding.

I appreciate the heads up - we'll see what we can do to make things eeeassssy.

Mark said...

Hey folks. I just want to remind everyone that we are family and going to be gathered for a family wedding. I'm sure there is plenty of housing. We will happily house some of you and we have showers to help cover the morning rush. Carrie and I look forward to seeing all of you and helping out however we can.

By the way, we do indeed have room on the fron lawn for anyone interested. I even have a new tent that can house up to 8 people that I will supply for a SMALL $$$xxx,000$$$ (you fill in the blank) RENTER'S FEE!!! I mean after all this is family right!!!