Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Something wonderful is happening....

Today Sarah is taking a nap...in her crib...in her own room. Really, seriously, it's a miracle. I even just went to check on her because her nap is almost a record TWO HOURS. I know, I know, you're thinking what I'm thinking - why should it be so strange for a baby to take a two hour nap in her own crib? I DON'T KNOW EITHER. But our little girl has been a power napper - sometimes thinking that 20 minutes will do enough for her. She has also found it strangely difficult to sleep without being held, rounced or swung. I've tried so many different things - including the letting her cry theory, but most of all I've just been patient and waited for the day she developed some new habits. I really hope that today is the day. This is nap number 3, in the last two days, so I'm hopeful. I don't even know what to do without her in my arms! (Blog, obviously.) I feel like I have gotten more done today than in a looong, looong, time. Let's hope this sticks.....

And who can talk about a baby without posting pictures?? Here's she is...


Michelle said...

Yippee for pictures of Baby Sarah. I can totally relate to the trying everything to get the baby to sleep troubles. Jake spent the first two years crying. Lots of times it didn't matter whether I was holding him or not, he'd still cry. And when he'd nap, I would literally hold my breath, just hoping, praying, he would sleep for longer than a few minutes. I was working at the time and it was very difficult to get anything done with him. Anyway, I'm so happy she's given you a few naps. It's enough to make you feel like a new woman! Enjoy it while you can!

Tamara said...

Wow, she is SO cute. And she's so big. This post was not the greatest pep talk I've ever gotten considering what's in my near future, but if the pay off is a cute kid, I guess I'll survive.

Tamara said...

Wow, she is SO cute. And she's so big. This post was not the greatest pep talk I've ever gotten considering what's in my near future, but if the pay off is a cute kid, I guess I'll survive.

Michelle said...

Tammy, in case you didn't know, you're repeating yourself. Get used to it. Pregnancy kills brain cells. Just ask anyone who's been there.

The Queen said...

Ohhh, she is getting cuter and cuter!

Courtney said...

I love the bath picture, total deer in the headlights look!

Stephanie said...

The look on her face in the first picture is classic! She's gotten so big, Lisa! She's adorable with those big brown eyes!