Sunday, February 3, 2008

President Hinckley

So it has been about a week since our prophet passed away. I could not believe it when I heard it. He just seemed like he was going to live forever. Part of me was definitely sad, but it is good to know that he can be with his wife again. I am sure those were some tough years for him after his wife passed away, but he always seemed to be so happy and positive. I thought this might be a good opportunity to remember him for what a great man that he was. I have had lots of memories go through my head in the last week about this amazing man. What a great example he was to all of us. So the memory that I wanted to share with you guys was a pretty recent one. About a year and a half ago, he came to the Sacramento area. The Sacramento Temple was being dedicated. Also, the youth from all of the stakes in the Sacramento Area had put together a temple celebration. It was held in the Arco Arena and it was packed. At the beginning of the meeting, we were all sitting down listening to prelude music waiting for him to enter. As he started to enter, we all stood up. Then, all of the sudden, a group of the youth that were seated down on the floor right by the stage all started cheering really loudly. They all started screaming and yelling like you would for your favorite basketball team. I felt really awkward and uncomfortable all of the sudden. I was wondering what he was going to do or what he would say. I guess I don’t really know what I expected, but I was thinking he might ask them to be quiet, or remind them to be reverent, or remind them that this was a church meeting, but he did not do any of that. He came to the front of the stage and started waving his cane high in the air to thank them for their greeting. He was smiling and laughing. It was just another reminder of how amazing he is. He knows how to make the best out of any situation, whether it is losing his wife, knighting President Eyring or greeting those kids. He is just such a great man with an incredible sense of humor and optimism. One of the amazing men in my lifetime. Anyways, if any of you guys want to share any thoughts or memories, I think it would be a nice way to remember this great man.



Courtney said...

Thanks matty for posting this. I really didn't realize how much I would be effected by President Hinkley's passing. Not that I didn't expect to feel sad, but it threw me into a unexpected period of reflection. This may sound strange but I've almost learned more from him since his death than I did while he was alive. I guess I just took him for granted while he was around but now that he is gone I've been spending a portion of each day watching a biography, reading a past talk, or learning about his life and legacy in some way. What an amazing man he was. It would be impossible to write everything I have learned from him so I'll sum it up with service, optimism, hard work, and happiness. Although I am so sad that we no longer have his presence on this earth, I am so grateful for what an experience losing him has been. Realizing my magnitude of love for him has really helped me to realize the magnitude of love I have for Heavenly Father.

As for my favorite President Hinkley moment, it would have to be at his BYU devotional last semester. He starts off with "I would like to congratulate you all. For the tenth year in a row, the Princeton Review has voted you the most stone cold sober school in the nation." Not only is he incredibly spiritual and intelligent but he is also has the most witty sense of humor.

Michelle said...

I just thought I'd post one memory and that is in the October Conference after 9/11. I remember how unstable I felt about the world in general because of the uncertainty of our country's future. In that conference, he got up and spoke very optimistically about the future. He told the Saints to be happy and have faith. I remember thinking that if he was optimistic, I had no reason not to be also...

That's what I will remember most about him...his optimism and sense of humor.

Stephanie said...

For me it's definitely his optimism... every now and then I become overwhelmed as a parent with the kind of world our kids have to grow up in, but whenever I'd even just see Pres. Hinckley's face, I immediately felt like the world was perfect in every way. So, yeah... I will definitely miss that about him, but I'm happy for him that he's back with his wife.