Friday, April 11, 2008

In the news

The picture on this article just cracks me up. I'm not sure whether to believe it or not, but it's worth a look!


Lisa said...

I saw this on someone's blog on April Fool's Day and I also thought it was so funny!! Even though I found out it was a fake - I seriously thought it could be possible at first..I mean, why not??

Courtney said...

Ya, definately an April Fool's joke but it still gave me a laugh. Especially when I had 10 friends texting me "Snoop Dog converted!!!" I was like, seriously? Did you forget what day it is?

Stephanie said...

Oh my gosh! I believed it for a second. How funny!

Michelle said...

read the bottom of the web page:
"You Just Got April Fooled! Snoop's Not Mormon...YET!"