Friday, November 9, 2007

Halloween Events

Bash was pretty attached to her pumpkin. She kept hugging it and wouldn't let it go. She was treating it like she would a doll.

We carved pumpkins at my mom's house. The kids had a great time. Then they wanted to light them every second of every day that we were over there. Ashley requested a happy pumpkin, and Camille wanted a scary one--surprise surprise.

The girls love Justin's work party. That's because there is TONS of candy and very few kids. The just stick their hands in and grab handfuls. Ashley would take one, then another, then another, and wouldn't stop until we pulled her chubby hands out of the candy bowls.
I should also report on the tragedy of the pumpkins pictured above. We had to hide them, or else the girls would eat candy all day long. We stuck them in the oven--you see where this is going. My sister reminded me that same morning to take them out so we could make cookies. Then I preheated the oven to bake something and didn't even remember until the oven beeped that it was ready, and I opened it up to put my artichoke dip in. I wish I had taken a picture of those pathetic melting pumpkins! They looked pretty sad. Luckily nothing got on the oven, so I just took the whole rack out with the melted plastic and candy on it and set it outside so I wouldn't get in trouble. Later when the girls asked me for candy I had to confess, and Camille burst instantly into tears over her lost candy.

The little pumpkin. You can't see his tummy but it has a Jack-o-lantern face on it.

Justin's department did a Top Gun theme for their section of the office. They had a black plastic runway with track lights lining it, and a little plane suspended from the ceiling over it. They all wore flight suits, but Justin won the prize for going all out--he grew a mustache. Talk to me Goose.


Michelle said...

The pumpkin in the oven story is a classic. Seriously, I can't believe you didn't take pictures. I kind of wish my kids' candy had melted so we would've had to throw it away. I hate having candy around forever. Love Nate's little pumpkin costume too...

Stephanie said...

Look at them in their costumes! So cute! We had a similar experience to the oven-candy meltdown. Ours involved some intricate cakes I made for the girls 1st birthday... good times!

Tamara said...

Halloween looks like tons of fun at your house. Can I come over?

And next time when you melt your kids' pumpkins, PLEASE use the photo op for the rest of our enjoyment.

Little Nate Dawg is as cute as any kid I think I've ever seen. Nice work Co. Lazerbeams!!

Courtney said...

I actually had the priviledge of hearing the account strait from Emma's mouth and let me tell you it was a riot. The conversation went something like:

Court "Em, did you get lots of candy trick or treating?"

Emma "Ya but my mom put it in the oven to hide it from us and forgot it was in there, so it pretty much all melted."

Ha ha, not the response I was expecting but oh so hilarious.

Matty said...

Well hey, at least the oven didnt start on fire and you try to put it out with the fire extinguisher that you were holding the wrong way filling your house with that stuff that comes out of it. That would be a mess. No seriously though, that was pretty much hilarious. And I have to say to Justin that was some pretty nice work on that costume. That was much more exciting than our Holloween. We only had like 6 kids come by. Too many Russian and Indian people around here that dont do Holloween. Thats alright though, I got to eat all the candy the trick or treaters didnt get.