Sunday, November 4, 2007

Sarah's First Holiday

Well, we did not get the pleasure of making an amazing costume and stuffing our child into it (thats a great game...) but because she was born on October 30th, we were able to dress her in the little Holloween outfit that Mom sent up for her. So we took a picture for Mom and the rest of you to see. The rest are some other fun pictures. Sarah is one day old in the Holloween outfit but she seems to fill it up pretty good. Then we have a picture with her first little bear. We are going to take pictures every so often of her next to the bear to watch her grow. A friend from the ward came over the other day and brought her 6 month old baby. She looked like Carter next to our little girl. She was like super baby. It is amazing how fast the must grow. Last we got some pictures of her sleeping and just hanging out. I know you are probably not as entertained by her as I am, but I'm a first time dad, I'm allowed to be excited. I can't wait for some of you guys to come see her when she is blessed. She still is figuring out the difference between night and day, but when she is quiet, she is incredibly adorable. Check out those penguin sheets. Oh, and good news, it looks like the steroids shots worked. She has some impressive neck strength. She doesnt have a lot of control, but she lifts her head up a lot, and I have been working on her kicking skills since she was able to move inside of Lisa. I would like to introduce you to the next Mia Hamm. Im still working on the Numb-Chuck skills.


Michelle said...

Love the Haloween outfit...altough I didn't notice that it is Haloween until I read your post...Thanks for posting pictures. We can't wait to meet her. Hey, here's an idea...why don't you bust out and come down to mom and dad's for Thanksgiving weekend. Then we can meet her sooner than her blessing day. Don't be a baby hog...the rest of us want to love her too!

Stephanie said...

CUTE! Part of me thinks she looks like Larry and the other part of me thinks she looks like Lisa. I also thought that Brooke looked like Larry when she was a baby, so who knows... maybe I just think every baby looks like Larry! lol Although, Brooke is turning out to look like a Lisonbee, so I may be on to something here! Anyway, she's so adorable in her little Halloween outfit! Also, looks like she shares the same taste for blankets as Brittany. Brittany has that same blanket and WILL NOT go to sleep without it!

Carrie L said...

I thought you guys were coming down for Thanksgiving?!?! I want to see cute Sarah now!

Katie L. said...

Oh, she is so cute! Could she look any more like Lisa? I don't see a lot of Lisonbee in her--but like you said, they grow so fast and it changes day to day. I sent a big suitcase full of clothes back with Dee, and I don't want any back so if you don't want to use them just donate them or something! I hope I get to meet Sarah soon!