Saturday, November 3, 2007

Hello ... anybody out there?

What is going on you posting slackers? It is November 3 and the blog has been noticeably silent lately. I don't want to hear any lame excuses like "I just had a baby this week" or "I just had a baby this month" or anything like that. I mean, baby, smaby. Anyway, what's new? Same old same old here. Halloween was fun, though I must say the whole Halloween experience this year seemed to last forever. I think it had something to do with having the ward party, then Halloween and the flu all in the same week. Anyway, so glad it is over and looking forward to the rest of the holidays. So, whasupwitchew?

1 comment:

Tamara said...

I was at a firm retreat out in the proverbial middle of the desert and left for dead (Actually, it was Glen Rose, Texas, but that's pretty much the same thing) and one of the attorneys I graduated with passed out, hit his head, got a concussion, didn't come to for several minutes, turned and ashy shade of gray and then I got nominated to him accompany him IN THE AMBULANCE to the nearest hospital that most closely resembles something you'd find in a Ray Bradbury movie where I was fortunate enough to get to watch an episode of the Tyra Banks show and some late night antics on an episode Cops (which seems somehow even more white trash when you watch it in a waiting room in small town rural frightening Texas)until the injured attoreny's wife showed up at 3 am (just in time to see him pass out again right after his CaT scan). Don't worry though. They tried to send someone who'd been "over served" with alcohol to come pick me up.

Isn't my life glamorous?