Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I know, you're probably thinking I did something fabulous, amazing and wonderful. Well, I did. I made it through my 6 month dental cleaning and nobody got hurt. The secret is absolutely insisting they shoot me up...and in the end, they always do. Seriously, for me, the dentist is the worst possible torture there is because I have such sensitive teeth. I don't care how many shots it takes to numb me up...just don't bring that pointy thing near my mouth until I am good and numb. So, I made it and now it's the kids' turn. Yep, Bella tomorrow and Jake and Carter on Thursday. I wonder how much this is going to cost me. Poor Carter really needs an orthodontist too..but I think they'll just tell us to wait until more of his teeth have come in. Anyway, I am congratulating myself with a nice cold Diet Coke as soon as I can feel my mouth again. I tried it now, but it just went drooling down my nice white shirt. Ug...


The Queen said...

Did it seriously go down your shirt? That's hilarious! Congrats on making it through! :) P.S., I can't believe you fell asleep before Gorman!!

Tamara said...

I have to go to the dentist to get a crown fixed and the only think I'm more worried about than the pain is how much it'll cost me. Haven't we figured out a way to get around having teeth yet?

Katie L. said...

I just went to the dentist today, and thank heaven I have no cavaties, because it was fill cavaties or have Christmas. Do you use sensitive teeth toothpaste? It helps a TON! It buuilds up over time too, so you'll be chewing popsicles before you know it.
Doh, I think Ash just fell out of her bunk.

Katie L. said...

False alarm, everything here is fine.

Stephanie said...

That's what I have to look forward to as well... and the kids. I'm not usually afraid of dentists, but the dentist I currently have I'm afraid of - they're HORRIBLE!!! I wish I could switch dental plans! I've been putting off going because the visits are so bad, but can't put it off any longer - it's time for Brandon and the kids to have their 6 month cleaning. The visual of you trying to drink a diet coke is hilarious! Thanks for the laughs.

Lyndee said...

Michelle you are so funny. I have missed you. I so remember the huge mugs full of diet coke. I am glad the denist went good. I don't like them either I pass out when I get shots.