Wednesday, November 14, 2007

More from Kate

We had a great time the weekend we blessed Nate. The only problem was how fast it went by. Justin took the Lisonbees and Emma to a CU game, they tailgated and everything. We all crammed into my tiny house, which was fun. Don't worry, I had plenty of towels.

Courtney did the girls hair for me, and Emma asked to have hers just like Court.
Nate was pretty good, most of the time.
Finally, the boy. Justin gave a great blessing. I am mad I didn't ask anyone to take notes.
Thanks to everybody who came out, it was so fun to have you!
P.S. I'm going to keep posting pictures until somebody else does!


Michelle said...

Finally, the pictures I've been waiting for. I'm still feeling jealous that I didn't get to come, but I had a great time when I was out there this summer. My kids love to look at your kids on the computer...Malia frequently as to see her "tusins" which means she wants to look at their pictures on the blog...

Stephanie said...

Great pictures! Everyone looks so nice. Larry is totally glowing in his picture... you can tell how thrilled he is to have another Lisonbee boy! Wish we could've been there. I feel like we don't get to spend as much time with everyone as I would like too. We think of you guys often! and Nate is cute as can be!

Courtney said...

What a fun weekend. It makes me sad that I won't be seeing you this next week in California :/