Wednesday, November 7, 2007


I just realized that I haven't posted any pictures of my kids dressed up. They went trick-or-treating in a friend's neighborhood. There were so many kids. It was CRAZY! Jake and Carter chose matching Ninja costumes, Bella was Jasmine, and Malia was a ballerina during the day until she got too dirty and Piglet at night. Nana came up and went trick-or-treating on her way home from seeing baby Sarah. It was fun to have her. The kids had a great time. Seriously though, I have never seen so many kids out at night trick-or-treating!


Tamara said...


Courtney said...

I'm going to live vicariously through you and never have kids so I don't have to worry about mine not being as

Stephanie said...

Michelle, your kids are so freakin' beautiful! ALL of them, even the boys! You and Rick make a good mix.

Dale said...

Quit bein' so darn polite Steph. They are homely as trash! :)