Sunday, November 25, 2007

More Pictures

So....what in the world is going on in the Blog world. Nobody is posting. Just because half of you are all together at the padres house does not give you an excuse to not entertain me with your blogs. I mean come on...when I am sitting in my internet classes and need some entertainment, I turn to the family blog...and find that there is nothing there. That is very boring. So anyways, I am finally getting some more pictures onto our computer and I thought it would be a good time to post some as well. So here are some pictures of Sarah. Here is Sarah in this adorable stocking that some random lady that lives up the street from Lisa's parents made for her. They dont even really know the lady that well, but it is an adorable little stocking.

Here is the only picture we managed to get of her smiling. She momentarily discovered her thumb. As she was sucking on it she started to smile and we just happened to have the camera in the room. It came out a little blurry but it is still very cute.

Last I wanted to show you how spiritual our child is. Look at her folding her little hands. I taught her that myself. actually she was just doing that one day and I thought it was funny so I took a picture. I can't believe how quick the time is going. She is growing quick. There are definitely nights that I think are never going to end, but I want something I can be proud of dont I Russ, sure I do. Anyways, I look forward to seeing some of you guys soon. I wish I could have joined you down there for Thanksgiving but my work has some really lame vacation and day off policies...which is partially why I have an interview for a state job in a few weeks...but that's another story.


Stephanie said...

I laughed so hard when I saw the picture of Sarah "praying"! It seriously looks like that!!! She's so cute! I LOVE LOVE LOVE that picture of her in the stocking. That's so dang cute!

Katie L. said...

Yes, post lots more! I don't have anything better to do. Lots of other things but nothing better. I like the smile/sucking thumb picture. I have caught Nate smiling, but it's usually while he's eating and I never have the camera handy. He is getting FAT FAT FAT! The kid has jowels! I'll have to post pictures again soon. He is six weeks and change, and weighs 12.5 lbs! My sister's baby is 4 months and weighs 14 lbs. So much for sharing clothes!

Tamara said...

She's getting cuter by the day! Watch out for that girl...