Friday, February 15, 2008

Brandon's audition results...

Remember Mike Teavee from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.... the spoiled little kid who loves guns and watches too much tv? Here's the Mike character from the original movie:
mike teavee 2

Welp, Brandon had his auditions for the play that his school is putting on and he found out that he's going to be playing Mike's character! We are proud of him for doing so well in his auditions and can't wait to see his first play which will be happening April 14th!!! Should be fun!Here's the Mike character from the new movie which is actually the one that the play is from:
Mike Teavee

Also, I posted a couple new videos of the girls from Gymnastics Class #8 on my blog. So check it out! I'll be posting videos each week from their classes on my blog. They have their classes every Thursday and Brooke will be starting private lessons tomorrow, so watch for videos! :)


Matty said...

I have not seen the new one, but I remember Mike from the first one. He was a pretty funny little kid. That should be fun for him

Tamara said...

I haven't seen the new one either. I absolutely do have fond memories of watching old one (is anyone else humming "I've got a golden ticket") right now?" Ooompa loompas anyone?

Congrats Brando. Proud day Dale and Steph!

Katie L. said...

My kids love to watch the old Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It is so fun for me to revisit those old classics through their eyes. They really love it. I love to hear them singing "It's a hard knock life" when I am mean to them and laughing when someone says, "Kevin, you're such a disease!" Ah the simple pleasures of life. I hope we get to see Brandon in his play.

Aidan's Blog said...

My son played Mike on Broadway

Aidan's Blog said...

I Really Hope Brandon Does So, So, So well. (plus Katie L., It's a hard knock life is from ANNIE not Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory!)

Unknown said...

Excellent job Brandon!
keep it up.
