Saturday, February 16, 2008

I've been tagged....

1. What is his name? Richard Edwardson
2. How long have you been together? 10 years in June
3. Who eats more? Him. Definitely.
4. Who said I love you first? He did...but only after I asked where this relationship was going...
5. Who is taller? Him by almost a foot. Our kids have a shot at being tall!
6. Who sings better? Toss up...probably him.
7. Who is smarter? Toss up again...
8. Who does the laundry? Me. 10 loads but only once a week.
9. Who does the dishes? Me. I think we should change that though.
10. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Him.
11. Who pays the bills? I do sort of...mostly they're all automatic. Who has time for that garbage?
12. Who mows the lawn? Him. I might let the lawnmower run amuck down the street or something. Not to mention the small children who are always following me around that might get their toes clipped.
13. Who cooks dinner? I do. But, he never knows what to expect. After 10 years, we don't really have too many "regular" meals...
14. Who drives when you are together? Mostly me. I get car sick so it's just easier to drive.
15. Who is more stubborn? And our children are following close behind.
16. Who is the first to admit when they're wrong? I'm never wrong, so I wouldn't know.
17. Whose parents do you see the most? Both about equal. One trip to Valencia and we see them both.
18. Who kissed whom first? He kissed me first.
19. Who proposed? Him...on a whim. He wasn't even planning on doing it and then he just did. To celebrate we went out to "Teriyaki Bowl" a really cheap restaurant in Provo.
20. Who is more sensitive? Me.
21. Who has more friends? Me. Friends are a must for me to make it through the day.
22. Who has more siblings? Me...5+3, him 3 + 2
23. Who wears the pants in the family? Hard to say actually. If one of us feels strongly about something, the other will defer...

There...I tag anyone who feels like enlightening us all!


Stephanie said...

TEN LOADS OF LAUNDRY??? Oh my gosh! That must take up your whole day!

Rickterscale said...

2 corrections. I often do the dishes after dinner, and I usually drive when we're together. On long trips sometimes she'll drive so I can read. No sense in both of us sitting there getting nothing done!

Tamara said...

That was a riot to read! Since I was the one that lived in Provo when you two crazy kids were dating, I'll be happy to fill you all in on the details that Michelle left out...

And if you run out of laundry Michelle, I've got nice big pile here at my house I'm too lazy to do. Takers?

The Queen said...

hehe, the teriyaki bowl, i love it!!

Lyndee said...

So fun! I love to learn new things about you. I love that Rick put in his corrections.

Katie L. said...

Has anyone been to teriyaki bowl lately? It's even worse than I remembered, I don't recommend it.

Katie L. said...

From my memory, Rick always did the dishes because Michelle didn't do them right. But I haven't lived near enough to notice for a while, so I'll believe anything.