Friday, February 8, 2008

Time to celebrate...I think!

So, after five days of potty training, I believe she's got it! Malia comes to me and tells me when she "has to use the bafroom." She is dry at night. Folks, ARE YOU COMPREHENDING WHAT THIS MEANS? The Edwardsons ARE SAYING GOODBYE TO DIAPERS FOREVER! Is that beautiful or WHAT? I think we should go out this weekend and celebrate. That is quite an accomplishment. I have been changing diapers non-stop for nine years now. What will I do with myself? You'll find me hanging out in every public restroom because Malia wants to check them out and sitting by the toilet because she can't climb up herself (yet)...that's what I'll do.

In other news, Jake and Rick and Carter are going to a high school basketball game tonight. Jake's basketball "coaches" play for the high school team so it should be fun to watch. The girls are going to bed and I'm going to enjoy some peace and quiet. It is a holiday weekend for the kids...they get Monday off. Rick has to work but then he gets Tuesday off. That's kind of fun. A Tuesday off with the kids in school. On Friday we'll be heading to Valencia for the next holiday weekend. So, that's what we're up to. Have a good weekend!


Stephanie said...

You wanna come and potty train Brittany & Brooke now? They're halfway there... still not completely out of diapers and even when they're not in diapers, they are in pull-ups. So, still got a ways to go. You're more than welcome to borrow my kids for five days! You know you want too. :)

The Queen said...

Yeah, until Rick is in diapers. hehe. :) Just kidding. Congrats! Can't wait till your down!

j-liz said...

Am I doing something wrong? I still buy three different sizes of diapers, and it's starting to get real old. It occurred to me the other day if I had all the money back I've spent on a certain child's diapers over the last 7 years (the ones where I could have reasonably expected her not to wear them) it would be a lot of money. So irritating.

Michelle said... secret is ALL or NOTHING. No pull-ups in this house. Which, I must say has definite disadvantages. I wanted my kids to feel "wet" when they were. Bella only had one accident and hated the feeling so much she never did it again. Pull-ups to me are like glorified diapers. That's my trick...that and getting the whole family involved. Every time Malia succeeded at the potty, all the kids got treats (3 skittles) so they were all motivated and very encouraging and...willing to sit outside the door and talk to her while she took care of business...Good luck! Oh, and trick that worked for me will necessarily work for you or anyone else. It's a lot of trial and error and more failures before successes...Happy training!