Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Egg Hunt

Here's a pic and clip from our beautiful & serene neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt. See all those little dots in the grass? Those are all easter eggs. There were several hundred eggs out on the field, plenty for everyone, right?

Or atleast that's what we were expecting....

You've heard of the story of the locusts devouring the early pioneers crops? Basically, that's how the egg hunt went down. It was seriously over within seconds. Brittany came out of it with 1 egg, Brooke only 3. Brandon made good with 6 at the most. It was pure pandemonium. I don't think we'll be going next year! lol


Michelle said...

Next time come to Nana's house for the easter hunt. There were 111 eggs and five kids. A much better ratio, don't you think?

Tamara said...

ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? 111 eggs? Holy sugar rush Batman!

Dale said...

Seriously, the video doesn't even begin to do it justice. You should have seen all of those eggs. Then, you should have seen how fast they disappeared. The locust analogy is a good one.