Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter pics

The results from the kids easter egg hunt at home.


Tamara said...

The top pic of Brit concentrating SO HARD is adorable! I heart your kids. When are they coming over next?

j-liz said...

Did any of the kids notice the skewed results? Mine would have been screaming at this point...

Dale said...

That's funny. In this case, the girls refused to go hunt for them after they saw a skeeto within a 1 mile radius of the egg hunting grounds. It kind of gets on my nerves sometimes but they are terrified of bugs. I've tried the reverse psychology stuff, like telling them it is a nice skeeto. But, that doesn't always work. I've also tried telling the skeeto to go to timeout. That doesn't really work either. So, they actually refused to find the rest of the eggs and Brandon had to do it. Hmmm. I wonder if Brandon had any role in their skeeeto-phobia. Maybe a la Kristin at the dentist?