Monday, March 3, 2008

Hope nobody bought plane tickets...

You can all thank a certain Justin that is much less likeable than our brother for the postponing of Kristin and Steven's wedding. The attorney said there's no way it will be resolved by then so they won't be able to get married on May 31 like they had planned. Kristin asked me to post this on the blog so everybody could plan accordingly. Let's look at the bright side...maybe by the time they can actually get married, their temple cancellations will come through and they can get married in the temple. Kristin also wanted everyone to know, the wedding is in no way being called off...just postponed. Steven has been very supportive through all of this and this bump in the road is just one more obstacle to overcome before they tie the knot...

Thanks to everybody for fasting together yesterday. Please remember to keep them in your prayers. The first court meeting is on April 15th. How appropriate. Does anyone else remember April 15th as a particularly horrible know the day dad did the taxes and was driving down to the post office at 11:59 P.M.? Hopefully this will be a more positive memory to associate with that day.


Stephanie said...

Wow! What a pain. We will definitely keep them in our prayers. Hope this all straightens out quickly so Kristin can get on with her life.

Stephanie said...

(I meant what a pain for Kristin, not me. Just thought I'd clear that up:)

Dionne said...

Megan will be happy if they stay here longer! I hope it works out for them. It is not fun to date long distance.

Katie L. said...

I'm sorry Kristin, we are hoping it all works out in your favor, I'm sure it will. Let us know what date you set, we'll be there!

Tamara said...

All is not lost. This is just a test of what we're all made of. If at first we don't succeed, (with a family fast) try try again... This time may I suggest prank calls and tp-ing of a certain jerkface's house? Just a suggestion.

We'll keep praying. And besides, we wanted to come to Cali in May anyway. If they won't refund our tickets, I'll take it out on a certain jerkface's house myself. Does Costco sell TP? I'll need this in bulk, you understand...

Lisa said...

This is such a pain for you and probably heart-wrenching, too. There's just nothing right about it and we are definitely praying that things can get resolved well and quickly.

j-liz said...

Fasting and prayer are always a great idea. But, I am probably going to break his nose too.

Mark said...

Justin, if that is all you intend on breaking, you are a much kinder man than I am. I was thinking about contacting Osama Bin Ladin and having one of his planes running into his current residence. Just in case he survived, I was going to have him shipped to Northridge and medicate him, if you know what I'm saying.

Michelle said...

That's what I like about take one of us get us all and more than likely, you'll be sorry you did. Tams, I'm stocking up on t.p. Justin, I think Rick might be in the mood to break somebody's nose...