Tuesday, March 4, 2008

"I see dead people..."

So, last night I was awoken at 11:30 P.M. by some voices which sounded very near our house and some noises that I could not identify...My window was open, so I was terrified (having been burglarized, and all). I got out of bed and looked out the window and saw nothing. So, I stood there debating whether or not I should go downstairs and check out the light I saw in the kitchen. Against my better judgment, I tiptoed out my door and to the loft. I looked out the window which overlooks our street and saw a police car out front, so I thought whatever was going on, the police were probably taking care of...I went downstairs, turned the light off, checked to make sure the alarm was on and went back up to my room. Not two minutes later, our doorbell rang like three times. I woke Rick up and told him to go see who was at the door. Turns out it was a police officer and he asked us if we knew the relatives of the woman next door. Rick said no and asked why? The officer said she had died and they found her in her home. PEOPLE....WE WERE SLEEPING NEXT TO A DEAD PERSON. How long she was dead, I don't know...we saw her on Thursday or Friday and I talked to her for like an hour...she was FINE! She lives alone, she was about 65 and she was very chatty. She was always really nice to our kids.

So, today, I saw our neighbor today (our other neighbor) and asked her what the heck happened? She said she and her husband noticed the garage door open for a couple days and finally last night, they called the police. They had tried knocking and called and no answer (BECAUSE SHE WAS DEAD!!!!). So, the police came, tried kicking the door down (hence, the noises I had heard), and ended up breaking the window to get in. They found her dead in the bathroom. They're pretty sure she had a stroke. My neighbor also discovered that the lady who died, Lucy, was not really named Lucy. Her name is Patty and she was schizophrenic...and she owned a couple of guns. HELLOOOOOOO!! My kids went over there alone a few times to ask if they could get the balls they kicked over the fence. Maybe we should have been clued in to the semi-crazy part when she came over and asked if we recognized the mini marshmallows in her hand that she had found in her backyard. Of course we recognized them...the boys have a marshmallow gun. She just wanted to make sure somebody wasn't trying to poison her dog. All righty then...So seriously, we were sleeping next to a dead person. Probably a decomposing dead person, at that...

Is it me or has crazy stuff been happening since we moved to Fresno. You all know you're glad we moved here...I mean what would I have to post about if it weren't for joggers running with their sheep, robberies, fog as thick as pea soup and dead neighbors. Wow...good times in Fresno.


Stephanie said...

Oh... my... gosh! I don't even know what to say. Yes, I would agree you guys have DEFINITELY been having some strange events going on out in good ol' Fresno. That would freak me out for a good month or two.

Courtney said...

And you're trying to convince me to move there instead of Fresno, I must admit you're not very persuasive so far...

Dale said...

Courtney - What? Isn't she in Fresno? I'm confused.

Tamara said...

Patty...Lucy... It's an easy mistake. Don't pretend like you don't occasionally forget your name... or worry that people are poisoning your dog with mini marshmallows. Honestly. You act like that's odd or something.

Lisa said...

So what you're saying is... the house next door to you is up for sale, eh??

The Queen said...

OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I told you you need to move back here!!! :)

Jill said...

Oh,My! I would have done the same thing-woken up Tyler to go see who was at the door. Why is that our first response, so what our husband dies instead of us? Sounds like you are having some good times!

Courtney said...

Dale, I meant Dallas. Oh and I have a fitting joke for you all. What do the Titanic and the 6th sense have in common? Icy dead people! Get it? I see and Icy!?! HA HA HA HA! Someone sent that to me today and I couldn't resist.

Stephanie said...

This story reminds me of when we moved back into our house here in Castle Hills. Right after we moved back in, the family that was leasing our house while we were in Utah asked us if we ever saw an old lady standing out in our backyard at night,(yeeah, uh-huh!) and of course we said no wondering why in the world would they be asking that. Welp, turns out that whenever they'd be driving back into the driveway at night (which is next to our backyard, fenced in), their little 3 or 4 yr old boy would see a little old lady standing there, just staring. (Big thanks goes out to Betty across the street for doing us a favor. Had to frighten them away somehow so we could move back in!hehe jk)

Anyway, this made the wife terrified, so they thought they'd ask us to see if we've had similar experiences while living here. Kinda creepy, but nothin like that has ever happened here. I was terrified though to go out into my own backyard at night, that lasted for atleast a few months!

Katie L. said...

Who knew Fresno CA was such a colorful town? Those are some good stories. Maybe an average uneventful life is not so bad, huh?

Lyndee said...

That is one creepy story. You for sure do not have a boring life there.

OlsenFam said...

Wow that's crazy. I would have freaked out...and most likely something like that would happen when Gary was out of town!

Mandolin said...

Oh Liz! I can totally see you telling this story and how your personality shines through in your words! I miss you so! It is so much fun to read these stories and keep up on your life, and the lack of life of your neighbors!