Sunday, March 16, 2008

Random thoughts from Brandon

A few days ago...

Brandon: Daddy, I didn't used to like to read.

Me: (Doing my best imitation of a parent attempting to be perceived as paying attention) Oh.

Brandon: Now that I got this Calvin and Hobbes book, I love to read.

I guess I just needed to find some deep reading material for him. Apparently he needed something more cerebrally taxing than in normal books.

Then today...

Me: Dude, are you trying to play footsies or something?

Brandon: What's footsies?

Me: I'll explain that when you are a geezer.

Brandon: What when I'm like 30 like you?

There you have it folks. 30 is over the hill. Not that that should really be surprising since 22 is the age where experience compensates for stamina. I mean, can we really expect it to take any more than 8 years from that point before we are geezers?


Courtney said...

I don't see the problem with Brandon's logic...30 is over the hill...

Sorry, I just have to live it up while I'm not thirty or over.

j-liz said...

Your days are numbered, Coach, and you are begging for ridicule when you do hit the big 30. Don't come to any of us with your complaints or we'll tear you up!

j-liz said...

ps, that was Kate and I didn't want to sign out and log in again

Dale said...

I was thinking group dogpile. By that time there will be several of us over 30. Anyone else in?