Friday, March 7, 2008

I don't even know what to title this...

Who remembers the cute little pink cast Malia had? Well, her newest contraption is not nearly as cute...but it stablizes her arm because SHE BROKE HER COLLAR BONE. She snapped that thing like a twig. The x-rays are pretty cool...She could have broken it earlier today when she jumped off Jake's top bunk...but no, she broke it trying to do a back summersault off the swings in the backyard. All I have to say is the Lord must have a pretty good sense of humor and I hope you all are enjoying my blog posts which generally post some disaster that has happened...all in a day at the Edwardson house.


Tamara said...

You poor girl. What are you going to do with Malia? They should give you a prority parking space at the ER! Does anyone else find it ironic that your baby girl is the one that keeps breaking bones and not your rough and tumble Carter and Jake?

Well, how long does she have to keep wearing it? I just want to know how long I'll need to keep praying for your sanity.

Courtney said...

How is she going to wear shirts? Just have a sleave with no arm through it?

Lisa said...

I thought that WAS her shirt. To bad it isn't a fuzzy red fabric.

When I saw her smile it made me think that it was going to be a post about Malia "creating" her own outfit.

Stephanie said...

wow, talk about accident prone! My first thought was the same as Courtney's... how is she going to wear shirts?! How long does she have to keep that on? How crazy that she didn't break anything jumping off a bunk bed, but broke it from playing on the swing. She seems to be handling it well! She's starting to remind me of all the stories I've heard of Justin and all his injuries growing up.

j-liz said...

Wowsers. Katie and I were just talking about how much "fun" it must be to have Carter around 24/7. Now I am thinking that Malia is twice the "fun."

Lyndee said...

WOW!! She must like to play with the boys.She is a fireball. I love that your posting this because some day she will look back and see how much you had to put up with and she will love you for it.
You are an awesome mom. I would of had a nervous break down by now.

Katie L. said...

Poor thing, I hope she's handling it okay. Justin was a mess, I was washing his hair for him for weeks. But I'm not so surprised that Carter hasn't broken anything, have you seen the kid? Malia is tiny, she could sneeze and break something, apparently. She is looking so grown up, too!

OlsenFam said...

I can't believe that. I feel bad that I laugh everytime I read your blog, but what else can I do. I hope Malia feels better soon....