Sunday, March 9, 2008

My son ... the diplomat

So, this last week, Brandon, with a straight face, said "Daddy, when you were a little boy, did you have hair on the top of your head?"


Then today when we got home from church, I was going to tell Brandon about the teacher in the member missionary class that I have been assigned to. So, I said, "Brandon, did you know there was a missionary that served a mission at the same time as papas down in Texas." Before I could finishe and say that he was my teacher today, Brandon asked, "Is he still alive?"

So, Dad, apparently you and Brother Stone are a living miracle in Brandon's eyes. I mean, have you called Guiness?

That reminds me of the story I heard about Grandma Vandewalker asking me as a little boy how old I thought she was. My response, as legend has it, was "About a hundred."

For some reason, she didn't like that...

Dad, I think I'm starting to get the payback I deserve for all the jokes I made as a kid.


Stephanie said...

That's my son!

Matty said...

Well, that brings to mind a camping trip with the Thuesens(sp?). Anybody else remember this one? (Robbie talking to Aunt Kay). Hey mom, you know who you remind me of...that lady from TV...what's her name....(Mark chiming in)...Rosanne Barr. That was a good one.

And Dale, need I remind you of a certain pink tank top given to you by some certain younger brothers? Wow...I have not laughed like this in a little while. These blog posts are great.

Dale said...

Wow. For all you that werent' around then (which would be all of the in-laws), Matthew is referring to a shirt that he and Mark gave me for Christmas. It was either the Christmas I got home from my mission (as in 3 days after I got home) or the one after that.

I opened the present and there was a hot pink tank top. You can imagine all the opportunities I would have to wear it, given that it was winter, I lived in Utah and I was an RM, which meant I had certain wardrobe restrictions. The better part of it is that the tank top had on it a large duck on an inner tube that said "I'm at the age where experience compensates for stamina."

Keep in mind, I was like 22!!!

That would put most of you in the same boat now that I was in then. You're all geezers!!

At least according to Matt and Mark, who looked with wonder at my puzzled reaction.

Matthew, thanks for the flashback.

Courtney said...

Ha ha, suckas! I got two years before I'm a geezer!

j-liz said...

A-la-la-la. Your kid is as legendary as you are Dale. Who can forget the pink tank top, the Rosanne comment and now, Brando.