Saturday, March 15, 2008

Conversation with Bella (and the kids)

Me: Jake, tomorrow our family is fasting for Kristin and Mackenzie. So, if you want to, you can fast too.
Jake: Okay mom. I'll try and fast breakfast.
Carter: I will too. Well, do I have to?
Me: No, you don't have to.
Jake: Normally kids start fasting when they're 8.
Me: I started fasting when I was six.
Bella: Why because you didn't live with your father?


If you're tired of reading my posts...feel free to post away!


Mark said...

That is so funny. Carter is the man.

Mark said...

Bella is on her own page somewhere, but we love her anyways.

Tamara said...

That is hi-diddly-larious! Where do your kids come up with this stuff?

j-liz said...

Seriously have we ever determined who the father is?

Mandolin said...

Darling! Is there a message in there somewhere?

Courtney said...

Michelle, that was a hard year for us know, the one where you got sent away and had to start fasting...