Thursday, September 13, 2007

Can't sleep

Just wanted you all to be a part of my misery. Your Welcome.


Tamara said...

For the love! 2 am? Good grief. That's awful. Among things I really can't stand, insomnia has GOT to be up there.

Right along with the traffic light that we have affectionately dubbed the Light of Eternity because literally, I have sat at that light for 7 MINUTES STRAIGHT, watching as the clock hurries on, mocking me as it makes me later and later for work and noticed all those folks turning right on a red who just meander on past me as if there were no light at all, and topped off by the stupid Navigator driving perfectly coifed lady with too much mascara and an 87 carat rock on her finger on the friggin phone who's dressed in her workout clothes and who has got no carseats of any kind in her back seat (I would know because I've been sitting behind her at the light for a majority of my adult life by this point) so you know she doesn't have kids or anything (evidenced by the total lack of soccer/ ballet/ cheerios/ coloring books/ spilled happy meal shrapnel/ random miscellaneous junk in her back seat) so OBVIOUSLY I have no other option than to assume she's going no where in a hurry and really and truly just doesn't notice that the Light of Eternity has, in fact, friggin finally turned green (which from experience, I know will only stay green for as long as it will take me to count to 8 Mississippi) and that she's holdiing me and the great wall of china length of cars built up behind me up so she can finish making her lunch/ mani/pedi plans with Buffy and Trudy or whoever the devil is on the other end of the line.

So yeah, pretty much that and insomnia will get me just about every time.

Michelle said...

Seriously Tammy, you have some issues...and Kate, it just plain old stinks the last part of pregnancy. Can't sleep, can't move, can't wait to GET IT OUT! Hang in there.

Courtney said...

The good news Kate is I am always awake. Always. So if you ever need some help sleeping just give me a call and I'll read you a page out of my child development book. After a minute of hearing "Freud...blah blah..." you'll be out like a light, at least thats how it works for me.

j-liz said...

Not to worry folks. I am going to strategirize and place CPA materials (books, flash cards, and practice tests) all around the house to help with the insomnia. It's worked for me!

Katie L. said...

For the love of pete just hang a right and make a u-turn and get on with your day!

And Court, I just might take you up on that!

Courtney said...

Please do Kate, you know I'd welcome the sound of your voice any time of day or night.