Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Conversation with Bella...

Me (with Malia following me): Where are the wipes?
Bella: No idea. But the syrup's right here.

Ever wonder what planet you're on? I do. Because on what planet are syrup and wipes interchangeable?


Tamara said...

So I pull up the blog while I'm on the phone and I see this post. I proceed to laugh, right out loud, so hard I can not even explain to the person on the other end of the phone what it is that I'm lauging at. Seriously, made my day. At least the funniest thing that has happened all week.

Thanks Bella. (Oh, and you too Michelle.)

Dale said...

Mibellums, it's actually really simple. Let me translate: Bella was simply saying "I don't know dipstick, but you better find them because you spilled syrup all over the place and if you think me or mom is going to clean them up, you have another thing coming. And ... don't even think about crying or I'll give you a reason to cry (courtesy of her grandfather). Come to think of it, what am I saying? Forget not thinking about crying, Don't Think! (Ibid.)"

The Queen said...

Hehe, that was funny.

Courtney said...

Tee hee, I can't help but think of...

"Blah blah!"

Katie L. said...

Who wouldn't want to know where the syrup is at all times. I know I keep track of mine. It's valuable information! Candy, candy canes, candy corns, and syrup!