Sunday, September 23, 2007

Definitely part Lisonbee

Malia has a routine when she wakes up from her nap. She walks out, tells me she's happy now and then walks into my room, climbs up on the bed and insists I put "Aristocats" on for her. She cannot tolerate being spoken to, played with or loved for quite some time after she gets up. Hmmmm...where does she get that waking up grumpy business from?


Stephanie said...

That's hilarious! Brooke isn't a morning person either... she takes FOREVER to wake up!

Your girls are so beautiful! Rick is gonna have some fun keeping all the boys away! It's a good thing he'll have Jake & Carter to help out!

As I am writing this, I can hear the lovely sounds of screeching yells and fighting coming from the girls, I better get going!

The Queen said...

hehe, i love that picture.

Courtney said...

Hmmm...sounds a lot like me except for the part "I'm happy now." Those words are most definately never uttered from my mouth in the mornings. In fact, my day usually starts with a "oh crap" or a "son of a."

Katie L. said...

I have one Lisonbee kid and two Clark kids. Warning, don't go near Camille any time in the first hour after she comes out of her room.

j-liz said...

I guess Camille spent too much time around Michelle in her early years and picked up some bad morning habits. Luckily she's not big enough to chuck a pillow at my grill when I wake her up.