Monday, September 17, 2007


Hey everyone! Guess what! I'm typing this message to you all from where, you may ask??? From our very own home sweet home!!! Yippeeeee! We have a computer now and Dale, the genius that he is, hooked it all up tonight. So, you'll be hearing a lot more from me now, like it or not. :)



Tamara said...

Yay for you. I'm so excited! I bet it feels like it's been forever since you had one. Well, welcome back to the blog. Now come over to my house and help me pick out paint shades!

Stephanie said...

Tammy, call me when you get home from work tomorrow (Tues.) and I'll swing by so I can see what you guys picked out... I'm so excited for you!

Tamara said...

SWEET! Sounds great! I'm all excited now. Heaven knows I can use the help!

Dale said...

I agree Dale is a genius! But Dale will give some credit to Adam and Adam for facilitating the work of genius. I'm not exactly sure what they did. I'm not sure they are sure either, but it worked, so who cares!

Courtney said...

Oh I like it...