Saturday, September 15, 2007

Who's with me?

In the beautiful Lisonbee tradition, Rick spent all day today rodotilling (sp?) the yard which is (in Lisonbee tradition also) BEDROCK. It was a HUGE PAIN. WE all know how I feel about being in the hot sun (AKA avoid it at all costs). So while he was doing that, I spent some time on the computer and finally decided on my fabric for my family room curtains and Bella's room. So, here's the one I'm using a solid color green background with this red fabric as a panel...wait for pictures, it's gonna be good. And, for Bella's room, this is my accent fabric. Is it cute or what? She has a pink gingham quilt with a white eyelit bedskirt so it needs some spicing up. This fabric will do the trick nicely. It's going to be for some pillows here and there...

So, while Rick's slaving away outside, and the boys are out there "just because" I picked some fabulous fabrics that I've been working on for a couple weeks. Good news...being the bargain shopper that I am, the shipping for all the fabric I ordered cost me $2.95. You bet. See, I was just as productive as Rick. Oh, and for Dale and Matty...our garage is now unloaded and we can park cars in it! We win!!!!

P.S. For all you potty trainers out there, I surrender. Malia is just not ready yet!


The Queen said...

Those fabrics are so cute! I really like the one for the family room. Here's to staying out of the sun. And congrats on the low shipping, that's pretty impressive!

Tamara said...

Can you teach me how to make curtains? Because I just haven't the slightest and I'd REALLY love to make some. What do you say...

Katie L. said...

I love them, they will look great. Can't wait for the pics. Do you have ideas for how you are doing them already?

Dale said...

You definitely win. We haven't started. We did get a computer though. As soon as I buy a wireless adapter today and get home tonight, Steph can reconnect with the outside world again.

Stephanie said...

I love it! Tammy and I were just talking about making curtains when she was at my place yesterday and she mentioned that we should go to you for tips. I love the fabrics, it's gonna look great!